VERB 寻求,争取(支持、选票等) If you woo people, you try to encourage them to help you, support you, or vote for you, for example by promising them things which they would like.
They wooed customers by offering low interest rates... 他们靠提供低息来招揽客户。
They are trying to woo back electoral support. 他们正试图赢回选民的支持。
VERB 追求(女人);向(女人)求爱(或求婚) If a man woos a woman, he spends time with her and tries to persuade her to marry him.
The penniless author successfully wooed and married Fanny. 这位一文不名的作家向范妮求爱成功,和她结了婚。
Moderates are plagiarizing his ideas in hopes of wooing voters 温和派为讨好选民在盗用他的观点。
Open-source outfits have begun wooing traditional textbook industry talent over to their cause. 开源供应商已经开始雇佣传统教材行业的精英。
But is all the wooing paying off? 可是,这些努力有无成效?
Supporters of Blu-ray and HD-DVD spent much energy wooing movie studios, retailers and consumers as they fought fiercely to dominate the high-definition DVD market over the past several years. 在过去几年中,蓝光和HD-DVD格式的支持者为争夺高清DVD市场的主导权展开了激烈的竞争,他们在吸引电影制作公司、零售商以及顾客上都下了很大功夫。
Lee, founding president of Google China, spearheads the trend of Chinese entrepreneurs wooing learners. 谷歌中国创始人兼总裁李开复引领了一股中国企业家向学习者传道授业的风潮。
Within every love story hides the wooing of the gods and goddesses. This is one area of life where the practical meets the mythical. 每个爱情故事的背后都隐藏着神和女神对浪漫感情的追求。这是生活中现实和神话结合之处。
If you were a guy, what's your opinion about "woman wooing a man"? 如果你是男生,你怎样看待“女追男”?
Both Clinton and Obama are wooing several hundred of the so-called super-delegates party officials and officeholders who remain uncommitted and have the power to support either candidate. 克林顿和奥巴马都在寻求几百位所谓的超级代表的支持,他们是党内官员和民选官员,都不必承诺支持特定候选人,有权在代表大会上投任何一方的票。
You had no business wooing her away from her husband. 你不应该诱使她离开她丈夫。
Other agencies are now wooing informants, too. 其他机构也对告密者求贤若渴。
It is very competitive, everyone is wooing Chinese companies. 竞争很激烈,人人都在向中国企业示好。
You had no right wooing him away from the company. 你没有权力劝他离开公司。
Then he would wait no longer, but flew away, to commence his wooing at once. 当他从她得不到半个字的回答的时候,就不再愿意问了。他飞走了,并且立刻开始他的求婚活动。
Eventually he wearied of wooing fame and fortune. 他终于对追名逐利感到厌倦了。
And Canada has perhaps gone further than any country in wooing overseas students. 在吸引留学生方面,加拿大也许已经比任何国家都做得到位。
Little wonder that fashion brands, hyper-aware of the paparazzi attention devoted to the new stars and their influence, have been wooing them not only to wear their clothes, but help make them. 一点也不奇怪的是,各大时装品牌非常透彻地意识到了狗仔队对于新明星及其影响力的关注,他们不仅恳求这些新星穿着自己品牌的服装,而且帮助明星们制作服装。
There were the wooing nights of tropical lands and the cool discretion of flowering plains between two stalwart hills. 在两座壮健的山岗之间,有热土般的求欢之夜,和有如开着花朵的平原般的冷静判断。
The former president, who is intent on wooing back National Front voters, was quick to offer ideas. 有意从国民阵线夺回选民的这位前总统,很快提供了思路。
Euronext has also been wooing such firms. 泛欧交易所(euronext)也在向此类公司邀宠。
Its trick: wooing consumers abroad by targeting local tastes and marketing like mad. 它的秘诀:迎合国外消费者的口味加上疯狂的营销。
It was an old routine of theirs, a mock battle and wooing, using their voices like swords, each shouting a chorus in turn. 这是他们的一个老惯例,一个模仿的争斗和求爱,用他们象剑一样的声音,每人轮流喊出一个迭句。
Hanoi and Manila have their own self-interested reason for wooing the US, to hedge against China. 越南和菲律宾讨好美国是有私心的,那就是防范中国。
His cries were unheeded; Shaw's neglected one-act comedy,` A Village Wooing '; her ignored advice. 他的哭泣并未被注意到;萧伯纳忽视了独幕喜剧,'乡村的追求';她的被忽视的忠告。
And are otherwise incapable of wooing said strumpet. 或者是你根本无能,妓女这么说的。
By wooing the neglected peasant base, he ( possibly unwittingly) uncorked long bottled-up tensions. 通过争取被忽视的农民的支持,他(可能不经意间)释放了长期被抑制的紧张。
She now assiduously set about wooing the chauvinist editors of Fleet Street. 这时候,她千方百计地争取舰队街那些盲目爱国的编辑们。
You are wooing trouble if you associate with him. 你和他交往会招来麻烦。
The idea of Tories wooing visible minority votes would have seemed unlikely before they took office a year ago. 在一年前上台前,保守党去争取少数族裔选票的想法,似乎是不可能的。
But with a positive attitude and a little preparation, you'll soon be wooing the girl or girls of your dreams. 但是有积极的态度且事先有准备,你很快就会向那个女孩或是你的梦中情人求爱。