V-ERG (使)(货币等)贬值;(使)跌价 If something such as a currency depreciates or if something depreciates it, it loses some of its original value.
Countries may also find their currency is depreciating in foreign markets. 一些国家也可能会发现自己的货币正在国外市场上贬值。
The demand for foreign currency depreciates the real value of local currencies... 对外汇的需求致使本币的实际价值下跌。
During those five years, the pound depreciated by a quarter... 在那 5 年里,英镑贬值了 25%。
We think lower German interest rates in due course will allow European currencies to depreciate against the dollar bloc. 我们认为较低的德国利率到时候将容许欧洲货币相对于美元集团货币发生贬值。
The government has been offering tax credits, accelerated depreciation, and other economic hanky-panky. 政府一直在搞税额抵免、加速折旧及其他一些经济上的花招。
Foreign currency depreciation is a result of economic depression in the country concerned. 外汇贬值是有关国家经济不景气的结果。
Depreciation is calculated and deducted from most of these assets, which represents the economic cost of the asset over its useful life. 折旧是根据大部分这些资产进行计算并扣除,表示这些资产在其使用年限内的经济成本。
The recent purchase of treasury bonds by the Federal Reserve in a sense initiated the procedures of dollar depreciation. 不久前美联储购买美国国债的行为,在某种意义上等于启动了美元贬值的程序。
Sharp depreciation of the yen over the past two years helps make Japan attractive to investors. 过去两年日元的大幅贬值也增加了日本对投资者的吸引力。
The depreciation of the ruble has raised tax income from commodity exports priced in dollars, like oil. 卢布的贬值,增加了来自石油等用美元计价的大宗出口商品的税收。
Determining depreciation is based on the construction cost, value, the liquidation costs and depreciable lives. 确定折旧费的依据是建筑造价、残值、清理费用和折旧年限。
Factors which impact taxation, such as depreciation and tax rates. 影响税收,如贬值和税率的因素;
Understand the concept of "Depreciation" and the assumptions used to calculate depreciation. 理解折旧概念和用于计算折旧的假设。
Depreciation for the year and accumulated depreciation; 年度折旧和累计折旧;
Suppose the market brings about the requisite dollar depreciation. 假设市场上出现了必需的美元贬值。
Land is the asset that does not have depreciation. 土地为无折旧的资产。
Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, Amortization, and Rent Costs. 在除去利息,税,贬值,分期付款和租金之前的毛利。
It has a depreciation value with increasing years of usage. 它有一个折旧的价值日益增加的年使用。
In addition, the trade area poses global risks of protectionism or competitive depreciation. 此外,贸易领域带来了保护主义或竞争性贬值的全球风险。
The identification standards and depreciation methods of idle fixed assets, if any; 如存在闲置固定资产应说明其认定标准、折旧方法。
Prepare depreciation and amortization for fixed assets and intangible assets; 负责固定资产折旧和无形资产摊销;
This not only promoted the Chinese economy and the financial stability, also has avoided the Asian country competitive depreciation, has prevented the financial crisis further proliferation. 这不仅促进了中国经济和金融的稳定,也避免了亚洲国家的竞争性贬值,防止了金融危机的进一步扩散。
Reconcile fixed asset classification and depreciation among alternative GAAPs. 在不同的会计准则中协调固定资产的分类和折旧。
Tax savings from depreciation do not increase with inflation; 从折旧中得到的税收节约不会随通货膨胀上升;
The following schedule summarizes the effects of straight-line depreciation over the entire life of the asset. 下表概括了整个资产使用年限中直线折旧法对资产的影响。
The depreciation of sterling would also stimulate net exports, raising confidence in fiscal prospects. 英镑贬值也会刺激净出口,提振人们对财政前景的信心。
Tell objectively, depreciation fixed number of year depends on the use fixed number of year of fixed assets. 客观地讲,折旧年限取决于固定资产的使用年限。
Lastly, the ratio is calculated using gross investment, ignoring depreciation. 最后,这个数据是用总投资进行计算的,忽略了对折旧的扣除。
Rub cut general and replacement parts for vehicle depreciation is not a big impact. 一般的剐蹭和更换配件对于车辆折旧的影响不是很大。
However, if the asset has a significant residual value, depreciation should stop at this point. 然而,如果该项资产有较大残值,折旧至这一金额时就要停止。
Not only are you a depreciating asset, your depreciation accelerates! 你甚至不只是个折旧资产,甚至你是会加速折旧的!
But house depreciation of this year still can happen. 但是这一年的房子折旧仍然会发生。