We are not going to devalue the pound. I have made that crystal clear. 我们不会让英镑贬值,这一点我已经说得很明白了。
They spread tales about her in an attempt to devalue her work 他们散布一些有关她的流言,企图贬低她的工作。
Wabel's victory was in no way devalued by the absence of series leader Tom Fisher. 瓦贝尔的胜利绝没有因系列赛领先者汤姆·费希尔的缺阵而失色。
India has devalued the Rupee by about eleven per cent 印度已将卢比贬值了约11%。
The Pound would be devalued, we were told 我们被告知英镑将会贬值。
Economic theory suggests that the devalued pound will boost the economy. 经济学理论指出贬值的英镑将会促进经济的发展。
Neither country could devalue to lower the prices of its exports so it could compete on global markets. 两个国家都无法进行货币贬值以降低出口商品价格,提高国际市场竞争力。
But membership in the euro zone means Italy can't devalue to bring some relief to its exporters. 但欧元区成员身份意味着意大利不能实行本币贬值来缓解出口商压力。
The idea was to devalue the dollar and make it easier for farmers pay their debts. 该想法是为了让美元贬值,从而使农民还贷更为容易。
Today, many market participants assume the dollar will strengthen further, the euro and yen will continue to weaken and the Chinese will inevitably devalue their currency. 如今,许多市场参与者认为,美元将进一步上涨,欧元和日元将继续下跌,而中国人将不可避免地让他们的货币贬值。
Any country that left the eurozone and introduced a national currency would immediately come under strong pressure to devalue. 任何脱离欧元区并采用本国货币的国家将立刻面临巨大的汇率贬值压力。
I wonder, are you concerned that the depreciation of the yen and the euro against the renminbi means China is less competitive and you may have to devalue in response? 我想问您的问题是,随着日元和欧元对人民币贬值,您是否担心这会挫伤中国的竞争力,是否会迫使中国采取使人民币贬值的措施?
Deprived of the ability to devalue, countries in the "south" lost their competitiveness. 由于被剥夺了货币贬值的能力,“欧洲南部国家”丧失了竞争力。
I do not believe we need to devalue the Hong Kong Dollar. 我认为,把港元贬值既无必要,也不利於香港。
As members of the eurozone, they cannot devalue. 作为欧元区成员国,他们无法让货币贬值。
We had to devalue last year. 去年我们不得不使我们的货币贬值。
One reason is that Britain can still devalue to boost growth; 原因之一是,英国通过英镑贬值促进经济增长;
The Latvian and Lithuanian governments are adamant that they will not devalue. 拉脱维亚和立陶宛政府坚称,不会让本国货币贬值。
Governments may in fact suffer from having the option to devalue. 事实上,政府因选择货币贬值也会遭受损失。
Stock cost is fictitious, can devalue at any time, worthless even. 股票成本是虚拟的,随时可以贬值,甚至一文不值。
People are adjusting to the new exchange rates and hoping the franc will devalue. 人们正在适应新的汇率并希望法郎贬值。
And in wake of the Asian financial crisis, China adopted a proactive fiscal policy and decided not to devalue the RMB, the Chinese currency, but doing so we managed to overcome the difficulties. 亚洲金融危机爆发后,中国采取了积极的财政政策并决定人民币不贬值。通过这一举措,我们成功地克服了诸多困难。
With flexible exchange rates, markets force countries to devalue, which reduces their current account deficits. 在浮动汇率中,市场力量迫使国家贬值货币,这将减少这些国家的经常账户赤字。
If the dollar continues to devalue, the China national wealth is not a good news. 如果让美元不断的贬值,对中国国民财富也不是一个好消息吧。
Why reform when you can always devalue? 如果无论什么时候都可以采取贬值手段,为什么要改革呢?
Even a currency not fundamentally overvalued could be profitably attacked if speculative borrowing and short-selling could force the government to exhaust its reserves and have to devalue. 如果投机性借入和卖空能够迫使一国政府耗尽外汇储备,并被迫宣布本币贬值,那么,即使是一种根本没有被高估的货币,也可能因有利可图而受到攻击。
If we dig more diligently we must not devalue so-called routine reporting. 如果我们能更加努力地去调查,我们就不应贬低所谓的例行报道的价值。
If the US really wants to help other countries, it should not devalue the dollar. 如果美国真的希望帮助其它国家,就不应让美元贬值。
They have often been reluctant to devalue. 他们往往不顾货币贬值。
Many have questioned whether we need to devalue the Hong Kong Dollar. 很多人质疑香港是否需要贬低港元币值。