They diddled their insurance company by making a false claim. 他们进行虚假索赔,骗取了保险公司的赔偿金。
We live in a world in which people diddle on their phones while playing with their kids, while at the urinal and before extracurricular activity in the bedroom. 在我们生活的世界,人们把陪孩子玩、上厕所以及睡前运动的时间都浪费在手机上了。
Furthermore, if you are the sort of person who thinks it fine to diddle your bank out of billions of dollars, you are not going to worry about giving misleading answers on a staff satisfaction survey. 此外,如果你是那种不在意从你所在的银行骗走数十亿美元的人,你就不会担心在员工满意度调查中给出有误导性的答案。
Report from our correspondent is forged trade phonily website, the user name of account of diddle the other side, password, gain profit via resell equipment. 本报讯伪造虚假交易网站,骗取对方账户的用户名、密码,并经转卖装备获利。
Keep an eye on tom, he'll diddle you if he gets the chance. 提防汤姆;他一有机会就会欺骗你。
They'll diddle you out of your last penny if you give them the chance. 如果你给他们机会,他们就会把你骗得一分不剩。
Some lies malinger, the prescription of diddle doctor goes buying herion kind material. 有的则撒谎装病,骗取医生的处方去购买吗啡类物质。
In order to pretend, be in with the means diddle of filch false the high rank in SERP. 以伪装、欺诈和窃取的方式骗取在SERP中的高排名。