"Goldbrick": Peasants 'Living Wisdom under the State Presence 偷懒耍滑:国家在场下的农民生存智慧
Whoever is goldbrick when I came back gets a real talking. 任何人当我回来时是金砖得到一个真的说话。
Everyone should deligence, the thing that fall in pies from the sky is onlythe dream of goldbrick. 每个人都应勤奋,天上掉馅饼的事情只能是懒汉的美梦。
A sorry horse; a sorry excuse; a lazy no-count, good-for-nothing goldbrick; the car was a no-good piece of junk. 无用的马;无用的借口;一个懒惰的、一无是处的懒汉;这辆车是一辆一无是处的废品。
"It's wishful thinking to expect Phil to help you, he's a goldbrick." 希望菲尔帮助你那是梦想,他是个懒汉