a good egg
- 好人;正人君子
a person who you can rely on to behave well
have egg on/all over your face
- 使显得愚蠢;出丑;丢脸
to be made to look stupid
- They were left with egg on their faces when only ten people showed up.
put all your eggs in one basket
- 寄希望于一件事情上
to rely on one particular course of action for success rather than giving yourself several different possibilities
a chicken-and-egg situation, problem, etc.
- 鸡与蛋孰先难定的情况;因果难定的问题
a situation in which it is difficult to tell which one of two things was the cause of the other
the/a curate's egg
- 瑕瑜互见之物;好坏兼有之物
something that has some good parts and some bad ones
kill the goose that lays the golden egg/eggs
- 杀鸡取卵;竭泽而渔;自绝财源
to destroy sth that would make you rich, successful, etc.
you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs
- 不打破鸡蛋就摊不成蛋饼;不花代价就难成大事
you cannot achieve sth important without causing a few small problems
(as) sure as eggs is eggs
- 千真万确;的的确确
used to say that sth is definitely true
teach your grandmother to suck eggs
- 教奶奶嘬鸡蛋;在能人面前逞强;班门弄斧
to tell or show sb how to do sth that they can already do well, and probably better than you can