Encouraging champions to evangelize the product to others in the organization. 鼓励拥护者向企业中的其他人宣传该产品。
The emphasis on reuse and flexibility comes at a cost, and this can provide little motivation to evangelize SOA at a project level, where the benefits won't necessarily accrue to the project. 对重用和灵活性的强调是有代价的,而这很难在项目级别为SOA推行提供支持,因为并不一定会给项目带来好处。
Such executive ( s), on the one hand would help evangelize SOA and on the other hand will have the power to make the required resources available. 他们一方面有助于推广SOA思想,另一方面可以提供必需的资源。
And that I think is both a technology problem for us to solve and what we must talk a lot about and evangelize. 这既是一个有待我们解决的技术问题,也是一个我们必须多多宣传普及的问题。
It's hard to evangelize or welcome or bless people in such conditions. 在这种情况下,实在难以传福音,也难以欢迎或祝福。
Bottom-up approaches have broader potential, but are also far more difficult to develop and evangelize. 自底向上的方法潜在的优势更大,但是更难于开发和推广。
According to Merriam Webster dictionary, to evangelize is to preach the gospel to others. 根据韦伯斯特字典之解说,福传是向其他人宣讲福音。
It emphatically does not mean any attempt to evangelize Jews. 它完全不打算向犹太人传福音。
Why Jesus gave His disciples those instructions when He sent them out to evangelize? 耶稣差派门徒出去布道时为何对他们有这些吩咐?
Evangelize within their circle of influence beginning with their loved ones, neighbors, and co-workers, eventually reaching out to the entire world. ( God's purpose to five for) 从自己生活圈中所爱的亲人、邻居和同事开始,向他们传福音,以至于传到全世界。(遵照上帝的旨意而活)
She continues to evangelize on behalf of performance, both promoting product accomplishments as well as advocating on behalf of our customer requirements. 她不断在性能方面传播福音,不仅促进产品完成,还提倡以客户需求为主导。
A charitable and religious organization to evangelize and to care for the poor and homeless. 为穷人和无家可归的人传福音和照顾的慈善的宗教的组织。
In 1861, Yantai opened the wharf, the missionary flocked in endless waves, they were to expounded the teachings to evangelize, spread the evangel and developed the follower of a religion in the activity of in early days. 1861年烟台开埠,传教士纷至沓来,他们早期在烟台的活动就是讲经布道、传播福音、发展教徒,虽然有教育活动,但或者是个别传教士的副业,或者是纯粹宗教活动的补充。
Yale-in-China was an organization which was initiated and driven by some alumni of Yale University. Its original intention was to evangelize through founding educational and medical enterprise. 雅礼会是上个世纪初由美国耶鲁大学的少数毕业校友所发起和推动的一个组织,其初衷在于通过来华开办教育和医疗事业,达到其传教的目的。