苦恼;烦躁;焦虑不安 to be worried or unhappy and not able to relax
Fretting about it won't help. 苦恼于事无补。
Her baby starts to fret as soon as she goes out of the room. 她一走出房间,婴儿就躁动起来。
(吉他等指板上定音的)品 one of the bars on the long thin part of a guitar , etc. Frets show you where to press the strings with your fingers to produce particular sounds.
(从海上飘来的)雾气,薄雾,雾 mist or fog that comes in from the sea
But congressional staffers fret that the project will eventually cost billions more 但是国会工作人员担心这项计划最终会多耗资数十亿元。
Don't fret, Mary. This is all some crazy mistake. 不要发愁,玛丽。这只是个有些荒唐的错误。
As she spoke we could see that she was in a fret. 她讲话时,我们看得出她很烦躁。
Why should you fret over such trifles? 何必为这些小事烦恼?
While many small companies fret about getting too few resumes, many also fear getting far too many. 很多小公司因为收到的简历太少而烦恼,但也有很多小公司担心收到的简历过多。
Don't take on, and fret about it too much! it can't be helped. 别难过,别为这事太烦恼啦,没救了。
Convince yourself, nothing good will come out if you fret and do nothing about it. 说服你自己,如果你偷懒或无所事事就不会有任何好结果。
You have now done your duty by her, and must fret no longer. 现在你算是对她尽了责任,再也用不着烦恼。
People fret about terrorists, sharks, Ebola and plane crashes because of the availability heuristic. 人们担心恐怖分子、鲨鱼、埃博拉(Ebola)和飞机失事是因为它们具有可得性启发(availabilityheuristic)。
He should also fret about their future in the right hands. 他也会为这些核弹头和核燃料未来在该掌控它们的人手中而担心。
It's nice of you to fret about these things, but it's really none of your business. 你为这些感到烦恼,你是好心,但那确实不关你的事。
You had better not fret about your mistakes. 你最好不要为你的错误而烦恼。
Don't FRET away your life. 别在烦恼中过日子。
These words referred to a dog when I wrote them, but re-reading them now I began to fret. 可现在,当我重新阅读它们时,我开始烦躁不已。
I do fret myself, eric. I'm frightened for you. 我烦恼我自己,艾力克,我为你受惊吓。
Nativists fret about America's inability to secure its own borders. 本土主义者抱怨美国对自己边境管理的无能。
Today they fret about excessive inflows and strengthening currencies. 如今,令它们烦恼的是资本流入和货币升值。
Well, well, there's no need to fret about that. 呃,好啦,现在不必烦恼了。
Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, yet you cannot play upon me. 无论你把我叫做什么乐器,你也只能撩拨我,不能玩弄我。
Don't fret, I'm sure they'll be back soon. 不要发愁,我肯定他们很快会回来的。
I fret about nothing on earth except papa's illness. 在世上除了爸爸的病,什么事也不会使我烦恼。
Don't fret because now you can become a vegetarian and at the same time enjoy your meaty meals. 不要担心,因为现在你可以成为一个素食主义者,并在同一时间享受您的肉食品。
I would not fret if he and I could lie down tonight to sleep our last sleep. 如果他和我能在今天晚上睡下去永远不醒过来,我也就不会伤心了。
Yields for Belgian debt have jumped, as investors fret about its load of debt and lack of leadership. 比利时法郎债券的利率也暴涨了,因为投资者对它的债务负担和领导层很担忧。
If you don't have time to consult a psychiatrist each week, don't fret. 如果你不是每个星期都有时间看精神科医生,不用烦恼。
Do not fret about your veils. 别担心你们的头巾了。
Don't fret. I'd already spotted her last night when I got in. 别烦,我昨晚已经去的时候已经找到她了。
I don't fuss and fret about my children. 我不会为儿女们大惊小怪的。
SHOULD you fret more about inflation or deflation? 通货膨胀与通货紧缩,哪一个让你更不安?
Don't be dismal or fret, but do your duty and you'll get your reward. 别垂头丧气,怨天尤人了吧。尽到你自己的责任,你会得到报偿的。