I just wanted Jennifer Connelly to find her goddamned way and save me the two hours of dancing puppets. 我只是希望珍妮佛-康纳利能找到她那条该死的路来拯救我这两个小时的提心吊胆。
D.Edison Chen is a goddamned rich philanderer. 陈冠希是一个有钱的花心大萝卜。
We are so goddamned broke. 我们真是穷得叮当乱响了。
Kill off the Goddamned cowards and we will have a nation of brave men. 干掉那些遭天谴的懦夫我们就会有一个国家的勇者。
It's a goddamned oasis in the middle ofthejungle. 就像是丛林中的一片绿洲。
I spent all goddamned day lying on the grass. 我一整天躺在草地上。
You are nothing but a goddamned communist. 你是一个烦人的共产主义者。
I was more of a mother to him than that goddamned pig ever was. 我比那只该死的母猪更像他妈妈。
Play the adagio since that's the only goddamned thing you know. 就弹那首慢板吧,那是你唯一会弹的鬼曲子。
I just about goddamned died, gabriel. 我差一点就他妈死了,加百利。
What are you doing here, making all that goddamned voices? 该死的!有时候还可以用作插入语以表示强烈的感情。
You walk in here like a goddamned bulldozer. 象一辆该死的推土机那样走进来。
Christalmighty, it's the goddamned first ladies. 上帝啊,都是他妈的第一夫人。
Some Goddamned fool once said that flanks must be secured and since then sons of bitches all over the world have been going crazy guarding their flanks. 从前有个混账的笨瓜说过必须防护侧翼的话,打那以后全世界的王八蛋就一直都在昏头昏脑地防护他们的侧翼。
Eventually, a toy manufacturer mentioned that little kids will pretty much play with any goddamned thing you give them. 最终,一家玩具工厂提出,小孩子们可能会很喜欢这种没用的东西。
You're goddamned right I did! 该死的,没错,是我。
Leave them alone, you goddamned manbearpig! 放开他们,你这个该死的人熊猪!
The goddamned transporters are five minutes late. 该死的运输船总要晚那么点时间。
Do not point that goddamned rifle, I said. “甭举那杆该死的枪!”我说。
He's so goddamned good. I can't believe he's a human. 他太完美了。我不相信他是人。
Damn it, he's got a real gun with the goddamned bullets. 该死,他拿的是支真枪。
Because you are so goddamned educated, Doctor, I know you couldn't be very smart. 因为你受过如此该死的教育,博士,我知道你肯定不会太聪明。
He is a goddamned fool! 他是个该死的蠢货!
Give me some goddamned chicken! 给我哪些该死的鸡腿!
He is a great big fool. Hurray for the Goddamned idiot! 他是一个十足的大傻瓜。十足的大傻瓜,万岁!
That goddamned woman stole my heart and then took all my money! 那该死的女人讨我喜欢后就拿走了我所有的钱。
Stop all the goddamned movement! Everybody stop moving! 别他妈该死的乱动!都不许动!
I didn't sign up for no goddamned car chase! 我可没签名答应卷入飞车追逐呀!
Every last one of you Suns is just like that goddamned little turtle-egg of a Pekingese. 你们孙家的人从上到下全像那只混帐王八蛋的哈巴狗。