But it cost a great deal of money, so that Gruntle and Snuffle and Snuggle were not so rich after it was over. 但是派对花费不菲,所以派对结束后咕哝,哼哼和唧唧都不再富裕。
And so Diggery carried Curly Tail's soup out to poor Bushy Tail, and asked him in to stay the night, but Gruntle and Snuffle and Snuggle were all of them angry about it. 于是Diggery带着卷尾巴的汤出门给可怜的毛茸茸尾巴,并且让他进屋过夜。但是咕哝和哼哼还有唧唧却非常气愤。
So Gruntle and Snuffle and Snuggle came to live with Curly Tail, so that they might learn to be unselfish like him. 于是咕哝,哼哼和唧唧就和卷尾巴住一起了,以便它们向卷尾巴学习如何做到不自私。
But whatever it was that Curly Tail did, Gruntle and Snuffle and Snuggle always tried to do something bigger. 不管卷尾巴做什么,咕哝,哼哼和唧唧都想做的比它更大。