躲藏处;隐藏处 A hideout is a place where someone goes secretly because they do not want anyone to find them, for example if they are running away from the police.
The peace deal in northwestern Pakistan was announced hours after missiles fired by a suspected unmanned U.S aircraft hit a militant hideout in a tribal region near the Afghan border. 和平协议在巴基斯坦西北边境省宣布小时后发射一个可疑的无人飞机袭击美国的武装分子藏匿在部落地区靠近阿富汗边境。
Pakistani officials said the air attack hit a militant hideout near the Afghan border. 巴基斯坦官员表示,这次空袭击中了阿富汗边境附近一个好战分子藏身之处。
At dusk, Murias'unit shows up at a cattle ranch near the Rio Grande that he hears is a hideout for gunmen. 黄昏时,Murias的部队来到了格兰德河附近的一处牲口农场,他听说这儿是枪手们的一个藏匿点。
Unbeknownst to the neighbors, hidden beneath this home is a vast secret hideout. 邻居们并不知情,在这所房子下面隐藏着一个巨大的藏身之处。
To keep oneself out of sight. concealed snugly in his hideout. 隐蔽藏在看不见的地方安全地隐蔽在他的隐匿处。
An early target was described as a Taliban hideout in the middle of the thick forest. 稍早受到攻击的目标被形容为是森林深处的一个塔利班隐藏地点。
The sandbanks where the animals liked to lurk were dredged. It's a hideout for illegal immigrants and criminals 这里是非法移民和罪犯的藏身之处
This is my hideout when I feel bad. 当我心情不好时我就躲在这。
The gangster was flushed out from his hideout. 匪徒从藏匿处被驱赶出来。
Prepare a secret hideout for yourself should your cover be blown. 准备一个隐秘的藏身之处,入口处应该开满了鲜花。
How did you know it's mo's hideout? 你怎知道幕后老板是阿毛?
The police planned carefully, and crashed the multi-level marketing hideout. 警方精心布置,一举捣毁了这个传销窝点。
The children have a secret hideout somewhere in the garden. 孩子们在花园的某处有一个秘密藏身地。
The police tracked the gang to their hideout. 警察跟踪这个团伙,找到了他们的藏身处。
He had a secret hideout in the forest. 他在森林里有藏身之处。
Police discovered a cache of weapons in the terrorists 'hideout. 警方在恐部分子的藏身之处发现了一批隐藏的武器。
They trailed the thieves to their hideout. 他们跟踪那些贼一直到他们的藏匿之处。
The police discovered the wanted man in a hideout near the airport. 警察在机场附近发现了通缉犯的藏身之地。
That he'd found peter's hideout. 他找到了彼得的藏身处。
Other administration officials went further, describing bin Laden's long hideout in Pakistan as a cause for concern and a potential source of friction in the relationship. 而其它美国官员则更进一步说明,他们对本·拉登此前长期隐匿在巴基斯坦表示重要关切,也称这是双边关系发生摩擦的潜在原因。
For extra interest, throw in an alien abduction, a vast underground hideout, and hidden messages in world-famous paintings or landmarks. And then publish. 为了激起更多兴趣,你还可以设置一次外星人绑架、一个巨大的地下藏身所,以及隐藏在世界著名画作或里程碑建筑中的信息,然后就出书发表。
Off to one side, just below the crest of a little hill, there was a natural hideout. 在这条小径的一边,在一个小山顶的下,有一个天然的隐蔽处。
Failure to do this may lead to your sharing a hideout with another Death Eating family, which often results in friction over use of bathroom facilities, television, etc. 如果做这项工作失败可能导致你必须跟另一个食死徒家庭在一起藏身,这总会在使用浴室,电视等设备时产生摩擦。
Concealed snugly in his hideout. 安全地隐蔽在他的隐匿处。
To take refuge in or as if in a hideout. 在洞穴中避难或躲藏。
Used Pailin as a hideout. 利用拜林市作为一个藏匿处。
The Party does not allow any hideout for corrupt elements within the Party. 党内不允许有腐败分子的藏身之地。
I am certain it is the hideout my ancestors used so long ago. 我肯定它是我的祖先那么从前使用的隐藏处。
A lonely island, miles off the coast, with four inhabitants& it was an ideal hideout. 这个孤岛离海岸数十英里,只有四个居民,是个理想的隐蔽所。
Police in Turin, capital of the region of Piedmont, raided a gang's countryside hideout last weekend and confiscated more than half a ton of copper stored in the woods. 都灵警方突袭了一个犯罪团伙在乡间的窝点,查获了储存在树林中逾半吨的铜。都灵是意大利皮埃蒙特区的首府。