VERB 劫持(飞机或其他交通工具) If someone hijacks a plane or other vehicle, they illegally take control of it by force while it is travelling from one place to another.
Two men tried to hijack a plane on a flight from Riga to Murmansk... 两名男子试图劫持一架从里加飞往摩尔曼斯克的飞机。
A Korean airliner was hijacked by two passengers and forced to fly to Tashkent... 一架韩国的大型客机被两名乘客劫持,被迫飞往塔什干。
The hijacked plane exploded in a ball of fire. 被劫持的飞机爆炸,变成了一团火球。
Hijack is also a noun.
Every minute during the hijack seemed like a week. 被劫持过程中,每一分钟都过得如同一周那么漫长。
VERB 强行控制;操纵 If you say that someone has hijacked something, you disapprove of the way in which they have taken control of it when they had no right to do so.
A peaceful demonstration had been hijacked by anarchists intent on causing trouble. 和平示威已遭到蓄意制造事端的无政府主义者的操控。
Senior French government minister Jean-Louis Borloo ruled out the possibility of a hijacking. 事发后,法国交通运输部长路易-博洛排除了劫机的可能性。
A hijacking has now been made into a film, this time with the approval of the Burmese Military. 现在劫机故事被拍成电影,这得到了缅甸军方批准。
Italy's foreign ministry, which confirmed the hijacking, put the number of crew members at 22. 意大利外交部证实了这次劫持事件,并说船员人数为22人。
American government lawyers this week brought criminal charges against a young Somali man in connection with a ship hijacking earlier this month. 本周,美国政府律师对一名索马里年轻人提出控诉,怀疑其与本月初船只劫持案有关。
A hijacking by a flight crew for the purpose of seeking asylum is highly unusual. 机组人员劫持飞机以寻求庇护的情况非常罕见。
Session ID hijacking can be a problem with PHP Websites. 截获会话id可以说是PHP网站所面临的一个问题。
Stopping and stealing or stealing from a vehicle in transit: hijacking gangs after truckloads of cigarettes. 拦路抢劫的或从运输途中的交通工具上抢劫的:抢劫团伙追踪几货车的香烟。
I don't think that hijacking a boat is a proper way to express your frustration! 我觉得就算是劫持一艘快艇也不能解决你的问题。
Did you know about the recent hijacking in Iran? 你知道最近在伊朗发生的一起劫机事件吗?
Air traffic controllers had already informed the military about the hijacking. 空中交通管制员已通知有关劫机军队。
Czech police say a Ru ian airliner has made an emergency landing in Prague after an hijacking attempt. 捷克警方说,俄罗斯航空公司的一架飞机在劫机未遂事件后紧急迫降布拉格。
Tencent is only one motive: Stick to scan your hard drive by force, kidnapping and hijacking the user to achieve their sinister purposes! 腾讯的动机只有一个:坚持强行扫描用户硬盘,绑架和劫持用户,以达到其不可告人的目的!
This is not mere hijacking. 这不仅仅是简单的劫持。
Understand the top threats to web application pages and controls, including code injection, information disclosure, session hijacking, identity spoofing, parameter manipulation, and network eavesdropping. 了解对web应用程序页和控件的最高威胁,包括代码注入、信息泄漏、会话劫持、身份欺骗、参数操作和网络监听。
In the event of hijacking hostage emergency handling course, mechanism plays a basic role. 在劫持人质事件应急处置工作中,机制起着基础性的作用。
On Thursday, China called on the Philippines quickly to release the findings of a probe into the hijacking. 周四,中国敦促菲律宾尽快公布对此次劫持事件的调查结果。
Security guards thwarted hijacking on an Egypt Air flight from Istanbul to Cairo. 埃及客机保安人员挫败由伊斯坦布尔开往开罗航班发生的劫机事件。
The film recreates the doomed trip in real time, from takeoff to hijacking, to the realization by those onboard that their plane was part of a coordinated attack. 从起飞到发生劫持,再到机上人员意识到他们的飞机成为了一个联合攻击计划的一部分,该片实时重现了那一次毁灭之旅。
She has been charged with hijacking and wounding with intent. She will appear in court Saturday. 她被控犯有劫机罪和故意伤人罪,并且将于星期六出庭。
Police in Philippines have been under the sharp scolding all over the world for their mishandling the hostage hijacking. 菲律宾警察因处理危机失败而受到了国际社会的批评。
About a hijacking aboard a diplomatic flight. 说是一架国际航班被劫持了。
An anti hijacking system for an airplane to be operated during flight. 在飞行期间飞机上的一个反劫持作业系统。
American judge in Germany must decide if the hijacking of an East German plane into West Berlin was justified. 在德国的美国法官需要认定:把东德的飞机劫持到西柏林的合法性。
In particular it protects against "search hijacking". 它在反“搜索劫持”上起着关键作用。
System call hijacking is a common technology used by hackers to keep backdoors on the compromised sys-tem. 系统调用劫持是黑客入侵系统后保留后门常用的一项技术。
The gang had also been convicted of another crime, the hijacking for ransom of another Chinese vessel. 这个团伙有过犯罪前科,他们曾劫持另一艘中国货船并索要赎金。
Hijacking a police car is illegal! 抢劫警车是违法的!
From sheer habit Paulie Gatto wondered just how he could go about hijacking that fat pocketbook. 出于纯粹的习惯,泡利·加托想知道他要怎样才能走来走去地抢劫了那个鼓鼓的钱袋。
Somali pirates yesterday launched one of their most audacious attacks by hijacking a US-flagged ship with its 20 American crew. 索马里海盗昨日发起了他们最大胆的袭击之一,劫持了一艘悬挂美国旗的船舶和船上20名美国船员。
One of the most immediate questions that I have is: How is it possible to hijack four planes in a period when we really have done away with hijacking. 我最为逼切的一个问题是:当我们已经彻底消灭了劫机事件的发生时,怎么可能在同一时段内劫持四架飞机?