They were incarcerated for the duration of the war 战争期间,他们被关在狱中。
You're not even worth what it would cost us to incarcerate you. 你甚至不值得我们把你关进监狱。
Why do you incarcerate yourself in the room every afternoon? 你为何每天下午将自己关在房间里?
Limits court authority to incarcerate offenders who commit certain drug crimes, break drug treatment rules or violate parole. 限制法院的权力监禁罪犯谁犯下某些毒品犯罪,打破药物治疗的规则或违反假释。
For it was they, and their ox little abbot, who plotted to incarcerate me in this dungeon hall for an eternity. 因为他们和他们该死的小修道院院长,企图把我永远的关在这个地牢里。
Please, pull over and wait for the police to incarcerate your passenger. 请靠边停车并等待警察过来收监这个人。
He is incarcerate in his own sensibility. 他被囿于自己的敏感性之中。
Incarcerate me, sirs, I am a free born man! 但我还是得继续监禁他。
To incarcerate a prisoner in a cell. 将罪犯关入牢房。
Many people think that it is wrong to incarcerate criminals in confined quarters for as long as thirty years. 很多人认为把罪犯监禁在禁闭营里达30年之久是不对的。
Those who are freakish or sick, who incarcerate themselves to studies or bedrooms, who are prisoners of their own hearts, are real protagonists of modern fictions. 那些异想天开的人,那些病人,那些幽闭在书房或卧室里的人,那些把自己囚禁在内心里的人,才是现代小说真正的主角。