I wouldn't say that she was trying to indoctrinate us. 我不认为她在竭力向我们灌输一种信仰。
They try to indoctrinate the new grad into thinking that their competitor is the enemy or even portray them as evil in an irrational mantra. 他们会向刚毕业的学生灌输这样一种思想:竞争对手是敌人,甚至不理性地将他们描绘成邪恶的一方。
Teachers who indoctrinate children with antisocial theories 向儿童灌输反社会学说的教师
He has managed to indoctrinate me with his prejudices. 他设法把他的偏见灌进了我的头脑。
In both the US and Europe, economists-and the politicians they indoctrinate-must discard the false theory that one can use changes in the exchange rate to control the net trade balance in a predictable way. 在美国和欧洲,经济学家和受他们思想影响的政治家必须摒弃这样一种虚假理论:人们可以利用汇率变化,以一种可预见的方式来控制贸易收支余额。
But no attempt was made to indoctrinate them with the ideology of the party. 至于党的意识形态,就根本用不着灌输给他们。
Therefore, we must strengthen the sense of traditional sculpturing and Chinese culture to indoctrinate. 为此,我们必须加强传统造型精神和中国文化精神的灌输。
French intellectuals debate whether the stories indoctrinate kids into free-market capitalism. 法国知识分子讨论哈里是否灌输自由资本主义思想给孩子们。
In the midst of objective facts, all too often a teacher may attempt to indoctrinate him with the teacher's own ideology. 老师除了灌输客观真理外,也常常试图将自己的思想灌输给学生。
It should be apparent that using a country's education system to indoctrinate generations with this false belief system will eventually have traumatic consequences for that society. 应该是明显的,使用国家的教育体制去给下一代灌输这个错误的信念体系,将最终有那个社会的创伤后果。
And so the paper suggested that our government and enterprise should get some indoctrinate and adapt some polices to enhance the quality. 我们应从中吸取教训,采取措施,加强水产品的质量安全管理。
The theory of the Global Governance is a new-emerging theory which deals with the governance of the globalizing world, and the concept of the Global Governance is a open concept which makes it easy to become a convenient instrument for some persons to indoctrinate their ideological value. 全球治理理论是一种尚未定型的有关全球化世界治理问题的新兴理论。
The second section, emphases expounds the venture capital in American organizing form 、 developing course 、 reason 、 experience and indoctrinate. 第二部分,重点阐述了美国风险投资的组织形式、发展历程、原因、经验及教训。
The big company and government of America indoctrinate American and all over the world with their Culture of commerce and ideology greatly in order to maintain national community's status and their leadership in the world through media. 美国大公司和政府藉由媒介将他们商业文化和思想大量灌输给美国人民以及全世界人民,以维护国内社会现状和充当世界领导者。
Since 20th century, the students have lost interest in Chinese studying, because they feel depressed by the way of indoctrinate. 20世纪以来,语文阅读教学长期采用灌输性教学方式,学生因受到压抑,而失去了语文学习的兴趣。
The purpose of teaching him English is to indoctrinate him with loyalty to the British Empire, and to prove his inferior position. 传授他语言是为了给他灌输对大英帝国的忠诚,也证明了他自己弱者的地位。
To be specific, the medical supervise obligation includes: to evaluate the professional level of supervised medical person accurately, to indicate and indoctrinate the supervised medical person, to trace the effect of indication and indoctrination. 具体说来包括对被监督医疗人员业务水平准确评估的义务,对被监督医疗人员指示、教导的义务以及查询指示、教导效果的义务。