She shocked many in Spain after his death by marrying former Jesuit priest Jesus Aguirre in 1978. 路易斯去世后,她在1978年嫁给前耶稣会神父阿奎尔,令许多西班牙人为之震惊。
The map, created in1602 by Italian Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci, was the first in Chinese to show the Americas, and identifies Florida as'the Land of Flowers '. 1602年,意大利耶稣会传教士MatteoRicci绘制了这份地图。这是第一份以中文标出美国位置的地图,并将佛罗里达说成“鲜花之境”。
He was a Jesuit priest, a gifted linguist, and had an amazing ability to memorize things, like poetry, essays, speeches, etc. 这位老师是名耶稣会的牧师,很有语言天分,对诗歌、论文、演讲等记忆力超群。
The wall was once apart of a Western palace designed by Jesuit missionaries in the mid-18th century for the Qianlong emperor and served as both a de facto center for the Chinese Empire and a site for Chinese culture. 这些断壁残垣曾经属于18世纪中叶耶稣会士为乾隆皇帝设计的一座西式宫殿,当年曾是帝国实际上的中心,也是中华文化遗址。
The 78-year-old Jesuit pope landed in Ecuador's capital, Quito, Sunday afternoon, on the first leg of his visit, where he was greeted by President Rafael Correa and church dignitaries. 78岁的教宗方济各星期天下午抵达南美之行的第一站厄瓜多尔首都基多,厄瓜多尔总统科雷亚和教会要人前往迎接。
Another Jesuit professor, Joseph Sebes, was one of the most remarkable men I've ever known. 另一位耶稣会教授约瑟夫。塞贝斯是我认识的最杰出的人中其中一位。
The use of local media reflects a deeper understanding of "localization" principle, and it also reflects the new attempts of Jesuit toward "popularization". 这种“当时当地”求同,体现了耶稣会对“本地化”原则的进一步理解和深化,同时也体现了天主教传播走向通俗化、大众化的全新尝试。
In1601, the Italian Jesuit Matteo Ricci reached Beijing. A new Catholic community took shape. 意大利耶稣会士利玛窦于1601年抵达北京并成立新的教友团体。
Rudd, who is a devout Christian, is telling me a story about an "enormously intelligent" Jesuit friend in Rome whose main preoccupation is with what he calls "the globalisation of superficiality". 陆克文是虔诚的基督徒,他告诉我一个故事:在罗马,他有位聪明绝顶的耶稣会(jesuit)朋友,对方的主要工作就是做他所谓的“肤浅问题全球化”。
Cristo Rey schools are a new generation of Jesuit secondary schools designed to serve students from economically impoverished families. 克里斯托雷学校就是旨在为来自贫困家庭的学生提供服务的新一代耶稣会中学。
Jesuit missionaries who arrived to Asia in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were imbued with these Ciceronian ideals. 于十六及十七世纪来到亚洲的耶稣会传教士们沉浸于这些西塞罗理想。
He even returned to his old school, Belen Jesuit, which had moved itself over from Havana. 他甚至回到原来的学校BelenJesuit上学,这所学校是从哈瓦那迁来的。
The Response to Buddhism in Jesuit's Book in Ming and Qing Dynasty 从明清间耶稣会士著作看他们对佛教的反应
The concept of Christian Zen first appeared in Jesuit William Johnston's Christian Zen: A Way of Meditation in1971. “基督禅”最早出现在耶稣会士乔史顿1971年出版的专著《基督禅:冥想之道》。
Born in Dublin in 1946, Mr Sutherland was educated at a Jesuit school and then at University College Dublin, where he captained the rugby team. 萨瑟兰1946年出生于都柏林,先在一家教会学校上学,后来就读于都柏林大学学院(universitycollegedublin),并在大学里担任橄榄球队队长。
Because you have the cursed jesuit strain in you, only it's injected the wrong way. 因为你身上有可诅咒的耶稣会士的气质,只不过到了你身上就拧啦。
An experiment was done earlier this year at Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia. 西维吉尼亚州的威灵耶稣会大学今年初做了一项实验。
The Ming Dynasty, which fought the Manchus, employed Jesuit priests to cast cannons that were more advanced than the Chinese had at that time. 和满族战斗的明朝使用耶稣教士制造大炮,这种大炮比中国人现有的先进很多。
Bish was born into an orthodox Hindu family, but attended a private Jesuit school for11 years. 比西出生于一个正统的印度教家庭,在一所耶稣教会学校学习了11年。
They represent a tradition initiated by the Jesuit Peripatetic Mission in the17th and18th centuries, continued and enriched by the Franciscans during the19th century and still prevailing today. 它们所代表的建筑传统,肇始于17、18世纪的耶稣会布道团,在19世纪的圣芳济会的以继续并发扬,并流行到今天。
It has been managed for the past 10 years by CCER and a consortium of American Jesuit US schools, with the degree issued by Fordham University in New York. 过去10年,该项目一直由北大的中国经济研究中心和美国耶稣会商学院组成的教育联盟管理,由纽约的福坦莫大学(fordhamuniversity)颁发学位。
The Jesuit also brought the first globe to China, as well as the theories of longitude and latitude. 他把地球仪带入中国,还把经纬度的理论介绍到中国。
The Jesuit contribution to seismology The Roman Catholic Church regards itself as the original Church of Christ. 天主教耶稣会会士对地震学的贡献罗马天主教教会将自己视为了正宗的基督教会。
He attended a Jesuit school and La Sapienza University in Rome, and then went to the Massachusetts Institute of technology for his economics PhD. 他先后在耶稣会开办的学校和罗马萨皮恩扎大学(lasapienzauniversity)学习,之后在麻省理工学院(mit)获得经济学博士学位。
Jesuit priest wrote the first guidebook in1778. 1778年,一位耶稣会士的牧师写了第一本湖区旅行指南。
He spent three years training to be a Jesuit priest. 他花3年时间训练成了名耶稣会牧师。
During the turn of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Jesuit missionaries chose the theory of heavens as a strategy for doing missionary work with science and technology. 明末清初期间,西方的耶稣会传教士为在中国传扬天主教,选择了学术传教的策略,而且首先选择的就是“天学”。
Fox: Prospective society needs Jesuit of true doer and rather than. The union of wisdom and moral character, meeting the world is inapproachable. 狐狸型:未来社会需要真正的实干家而非阴谋家。聪明与品德的结合,会天下无敌。
The transept of the Jesuit Church in Gardiner Street was almost full. 加德纳街上,十字形耶稣会教堂的侧廊几乎水泄不通。