The laboring people tried their best to dam the river. 劳动人民尽最大努力筑堤防洪。
In america's ideal of freedom, citizens find the dignity and security of economic independence, instead of laboring on the edge of subsistence. 在美国的自由理想中,公民们发现了经济独立带来的尊严和保障,而不是徘徊在生存边缘的辛苦劳作。
The leaders often go into the midst of the laboring masses. 领导们常常深入到劳动群众当中去。
The point needs no laboring. That is all that need be said. 这一点无须详述,这就是所有要说的。
You know, laboring on the weekends is another way to enjoy life. 知道吗,周末劳动一下也在享受生活呀。
The aim of Marx studying economics is to safeguard the interests of laboring people. 马克思研究经济学的动因是为了捍卫劳动人民的物质利益。
This brings into play the enthusiasm of the laboring masses and at the same time prevents polarization. 这既调动了广大劳动者的积极性,又防止了两极分化。
My father, who was laboring along with me, discovered something to be wrong with me, and told me to go home. 我的父亲谁是劳动与我一起发现的东西是错误的我,并告诉我回家。
The laboring classes migrated to town from rural districts. 劳动阶级自农村移往城市。
Economic equality has motivated the laboring people to a great extent and brought about speedy growth of the Chinese economy. 经济上的平等,极大地调动了劳动者的积极性,使中国经济获得迅速发展。
Cities grew rapidly, a large laboring class developed. 城市在迅速地发展,结果导致劳动大军的发展。
Laboring in the wind and rain is hard and joyous for people, full of cool melancholy. 在风雨中的劳作是艰辛的也是欢愉的,蓄满微凉的忧郁。
This struggle has been the United States and the world laboring women's enthusiastic support and response. 这一斗争得到了美国和世界广大劳动妇女的热烈支持和响应。
Taxation bears hard on the laboring people in capitalist countries. 在资本主义国家里赋税沉重地压在劳动人民头上。
The peasant class and other laboring people, closely united with the working class, constitute a major force that pushes the country's productive forces forward. 丧失劳动能力的人口我国农民阶级和其他劳动群众,同工人阶级紧密团结,是推动我国社会生产力发展的重要力量。
The credit goes, in the first place, to the laboring people for this invention. 这一创造发明首先应归功于劳动人民。
From the economics theoretically analyzing and the fact circs of the economic process, the point of view of laboring create values, which have been popularity in many years does not have any fact significance. 从经济学的理论分析和经济过程的实际情况看,社会上多年来流行的“劳动创造价值”的观点没有任何实际意义。
Intellectual labor has no average skilled degree and average intensity of labor, its social necessary laboring time equals particular laboring time. 精神商品没有平均劳动熟练程度和劳动强度,其社会必要劳动时间等于个别劳动时间。
In the old society the laboring people suffered oppression and exploitation, getting along like beasts of burden. 在旧社会,劳动人民受压迫受剥削,过着牛马一样的生活。
The firm has been laboring under difficulties for the past year. 这家公司在过去的一年里一直为难事所困扰。
Some people, laboring under the belief that tourism serves as an engine of economic growth, seem to ignore its negative effects on the environment. 有些人认为旅游业是经济发展的引擎,似乎忽视了其对环境的负面影响。
Labor assessment units are a common part of care for laboring women at North American hospitals, providing opportunities for primary and secondary prevention of complications. 分娩评价单位是北美医院中对分娩妇女进行的一种通用的护理部分,提供对首要和次要并发症预防的机会。
The rebels labeled the labor laboring in the laboratory and lavatory. 反叛者给在实验室和舆洗室劳动的劳工贴上标签。
The chief content of laboring reclamation is to organize the prisoners to work. 监狱劳动改造的主要内容是组织服刑人员进行生产劳动。
Actually, the laboring man has not leisure for a true integrity day by day; 确实,操劳的人终日难得一时闲暇,让自己渐臻完美;
The fifth is the laboring characteristic of individuality and collectivity. 第五是个体性与集体性相结合的劳动特点。
It guarantees that the major means of production in society are possessed by all the working people through the ownership by the whole people and the collective ownership by the laboring masses. 通过全民所有帛和劳动群众集体所有制,使社会的主要生产资料为劳动人民共同占有。
As a newcomer you can earn money auctioning yourself off and laboring as a slave; 作为一个新手,你可以把自己卖给别人做奴隶干活来赚钱;
It was forbidden to laboring people in the past, hence the name the Forbidden City. 由于以前的平民百姓禁止进入故宫,因此又名紫禁城。
Laboring muscles burn oxygen rapidly and pour out waste carbon dioxide. 劳动着的肌肉能迅速燃烧氧气,放出废料二氧化碳。