It is still labouring under the debt burden that it was encumbered with in the 1980s. 它现在仍旧被20世纪80年代就深受其累的债务压得喘不过气。
You seem to be labouring under considerable misapprehensions. 你似乎存在相当大的误解。
Men still appear to be labouring under the misapprehension that women want hairy, muscular men 男人们似乎仍然错误地认为女人喜欢体毛浓重、肌肉强健的男人。
Barrow was positively obsequious to me until he learnt that I too was the son of a labouring man. 巴罗竭力讨好我,直到得知我也是工人家庭出身。
We mustn't lose the good qualities of the labouring people. 劳动人民的本色不能丢。
The restored jade burial suit fully reveals the consummate skill of the labouring people of ancient China. 复原后的金缕玉衣充分显示出中国古代劳动人民的精湛工艺。
The labouring people are highly creative. 劳动人民富于创造精神。
These magnificent ancient buildings demonstrate the great intelligence of the labouring people. 这些壮丽的古代建筑显示了劳动人民的高度智慧。
In New China, care during childbirth, old age and illness, as well as burial arrangements, are all guaranteed for the labouring people. 在新中国,劳动人民生老病死都有依靠。
It was built with the blood and sweat of the labouring people. 这是用劳动人民的血汗建成的。
In the old society, owing to cruel exploitation and succesive years of tangled warfare among warloads, the labouring people led a vagrant life. 在旧社会,残酷的剥削和连年不断的军阀混战,使劳动人民过着颠沛流离的生活。
The labouring man has been struggling to achieve a place in the sun. 这个劳动者一直在为改善境遇而斗争。
These cultural relics demonstrate the great intelligence of the labouring people of ancient china. 这些文物显示出中国古代劳动人民的高度智慧。
They felt forced to keep labouring away because the value of their homes and investments declined. 由于他们的住房和投资价值下降,这些人被迫继续工作。
I've been labouring over a hot stove all morning. 我一上午都在热炉前忙个不停。
To the rich world, labouring under debt and political dysfunction, Chinese self-doubt might seem incongruous. 对于被债务和政治机能失调所累的富裕世界而言,中国的自我怀疑似乎有些不合时宜。
Agricultural producing period and labouring period 农业生产时间和劳动时间
And by increasing productivity they have reduced the number of necessary labouring hours. 其次是提高了生产率,减少了必要劳动时间。
The money he makes out of the labouring man's sweat. 他从那个劳工身上榨取的血汗钱。
They are labouring for the happiness of mankind. 他们正为人类的幸福而努力工作着。
In those preliberation days taxes pressed down heavily on the labouring people. 在解放前的那些岁月里,赋税沉重地压在劳动人民身上。
Observations on the circumstances which influence the condition of the labouring classes of society ii. 论影响社会上劳动阶级状况的环境。
In the old society, the labouring people suffered from poverty and illness. 在旧社会,劳动人民贫病交加。
The capitalist system reposes on the exploitation of the labouring people. 资本主义制度建立在剥削劳动人民的基础上。
In the fields and factories you will find the leaders labouring alongside the peasants and workers. 地里、工厂里,你都会看到领导人和农民、工人一起劳动。
He's been labouring under the impression that we are prejudiced against him. however, we have been treating him with fairness. 他一直以为我们对他有偏见,感到很苦恼,可我们一向对他是公正的。
He's much given to sweeping statements about trades unions, foreigners and labouring women. 他习惯于对工联组织、外国人及劳动妇女作过于笼统的陈述。
If he thinks Susan will marry him, he is labouring under a delusion. 如果他以为苏珊会和他结婚,那他就误了。
The wealth of society is created bythe labouring people. 社会财富是由劳动人民创造的。
The exploiting classes resort to every possible means to grind down and exploit the labouring people. 剥削阶级用各种手段来压迫剥削劳动人民。