Some even quietly liken Fukushima to the devastating asteroid strike that doomed the dinosaurs and gave rise to more advanced species. 一些人甚至将福岛核事故隐喻为导致恐龙灭绝和更高级物种兴起的小行星撞击地球事件。
And again he said, Whereunto shall I liken the kingdom of God? 又说:「我拿什麽来比神的国呢?
Are we praising a person or not when we liken him to a tiger? 当我们把一个人比作老虎的时候,是不是称赞他呢?
I liken the Body Blueprint concept to Covey's "Sharpening the Saw" and continuous renewal through the "learn, commit, and do" upward spiral. 我把身体蓝图概念比喻为Covey的“磨快锯子”和通过“学习,承诺,并且进行”上升螺旋线的连续的更新。
Scientists liken their function to the plastic tips on the ends of shoelaces, and say that lifespan is linked to their length. 科学家将端粒的功能比作鞋带的塑料头,称寿命长短与端粒长短相关。
Educators often liken the brain to a muscle, because it functions better with exercise. 大脑越用越灵活,所以教育者通常将大脑比作肌肉。
Ostriches are descendants of dinosaurs, and the researchers liken ostrich movements to those of bipedal dinosaurs. 鸵鸟是恐龙的后裔,研究人员将鸵鸟的运动比作两足恐龙的运动。
Analysts at Wood MacKenzie liken the deal to finding 'a new Europe' for Gazprom. WoodMacKenzie的分析师们把该交易比作是俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司找到了一个新的欧洲市场。
Those economists, like New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, who liken confidence to an imaginary fairy have failed to learn from decades of economic research on expectations. 那些将信心比作童话中的仙女的经济学家,比如《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)的专栏作家保罗克鲁格曼(PAULKRUGMAN),也未能从数十年有关预期的经济学研究中汲取教训。
But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows. 我可用什么比这世代呢?好象孩童坐在街市上招呼同伴,说。
We often liken the heart to a pump. 我们常把心脏比拟为水泵。
I could liken Real Madrid's situation with England, with that of Manchester United, Arsenal and Liverpool compared to Chelsea. 我可以把皇马目前的困境和英格兰,曼联,切尔西和阿森纳的遭遇进行对比。
The hunter you could liken to the prototypical ranger. 你们可以把猎人看成游侠。
I liken joining the cast in the4th season to starting at a new high school. 我把第四季加盟比作转学到一个新的高中。
And Jesus said, to what then shall I liken the men of this generation, and what are they like? 耶稣又说,这样,我可把这世代的人比作什么?他们好像什么?
Why, if one wants to compare life to anything, one must liken it to being blown through the Tube at fifty miles an hour& landing at the other end without a single hairpin in one's hair! 要是拿什么来和生活相比的话,就只能比做一个人以一小时五十英里的速度被射出地下铁道,从地道口出来的时候头发上一根发针也不剩。
When we liken the'key'to'resolution'and the'lock'to'difficulty or problem ', then one key can be for one lock only. 而“金钥匙”是万能钥匙,能开启各种各样的锁,解决各种各样的难题。
Lk. 13:18 He said therefore, What is the kingdom of God like, and to what shall I liken it? 路十三18耶稣说,神的国好像什么?我可把她比作什么?
Many researchers liken it to addiction, and some think it has been a growing problem in the modern consumerism society. 一些研究人员称之为上瘾,并且一部分研究人员认为它在这个消费主义社会已变成增长性问题。
In its hydrodynamic behavior, we can liken the dense phase to a liquid. 从其流体动力学性状来看,可把密相看作近似乎液体。
SCOTTISH Tory peer has accused Alex Salmond of seeking to sabotage a Westminster-backed independence referendum – as another lord appeared to liken the First Minister to Robert Mugabe. 亚历克斯·萨蒙德的保守党同僚指责他对威斯敏斯特支持的独立公投搞破坏,并将他比作罗伯特·穆加贝一样的首席大臣。
This has encouraged analysts to liken the potential boost for the global economy to a huge programme of quantitative easing. 这促使分析师将油价下跌对全球经济的潜在提振与庞大的量化宽松计划相提并论。
As he wrote of his parables: We may liken the false to the true for the purpose of moral instruction. 正如他所写的寓言:「了道德指引下的目标,我们可能将错误比做真实。
In a lot of ways, you can liken it to being on the stage, when you don't have all the stimulus you get when you're on location shooting a film. 在许多方面,当你在外景地拍电影而你不能得到所有激发表演的条件的时候,你可以把它看做舞台剧演出。
These days, some people might liken using a PC without a virus scanner on the'net to wandering naked through a village that was recently infected with plague. 这些天来,有些人可能使用比喻没有对'网病毒扫描PC到流浪通过一个最近才被感染鼠疫村裸体。
I am liken to a grain of wheat with one difference. 我被比作一颗与别的不同的麦粒。
One can liken the new consensus for ascension as the first steps towards ongoing communication between all conscious and sentient species upon all dimensions in eons of time. 你可以将提升新一致体比作所有密度中所有意识和觉知物种间通讯交流的第一步。
把…比作… to compare one thing or person to another and say they are similar
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