The letter was a mishmash of ill-fitting proposals taken from two different reform plans. 这封信乱七八糟地写到了一些风马牛不相及的提议,分别摘自两个不同的改革计划。
During a recent winter ski trip, the family set up an ad-hoc office around the kitchen table of their Colorado home& a mishmash of dueling laptops, iPhones, and iPads. 最近一次冬季滑雪之旅期间,一家人在科罗拉多州住宅的餐桌周围搭建起了一个临时办公室,其实就是一堆杂乱无章的笔记本电脑、iPhone手机和iPad。
His new novel is interesting but it's a mishmash of literary styles. 他的新小说很有意思,但那是混合了很多种不同的文学风格的。
The fear of urban planners is that the government will try to develop them all, leading to a mishmash of highways, industries and pollution. 城市规划者的担心是,政府将试图发展所有这些城市,使得道路、工业建设和污染相伴而生。
Or, get a mishmash of appliances to match by ordering new doors or panels for some of them. 又或者,为一些厨房电器订购新的门或面板,让它们成为统一系列,不会杂乱无章。
The producers said they love the "mishmash" of writing scenes for the dual characters. 制片人说过他们很喜欢《侏儒妖怪》中对多面性格人物的描述。
But families are a good deal sloppier than that, a mishmash of competing needs and moods and clashing emotions, better understood by the people in the thick of them than by anyone standing outside. 不过家庭远比这要“松散”得多,它是“竞争需求”、情绪、冲突感情在一起的混合物。”局内人“总是要比”局外人“了解得更多。
Application of FEM in the Structural Analysis of Mishmash Materials 有限元法在混杂体材料结构分析中的应用初探
His language is a sort of mishmash of poorly used academic locutions: "worklife plans." It sounds almost like corporate speak, in a way. 他的语言是一种用得很不好的学术语句的混杂:,职业生涯计划,听起来就像是电脑在说话一样不自然。
Despite the transformation from Silk Road outpost to modern center of foreign commerce, the Guangzhou of today is a mishmash of culinary styles and flavors. 不管是古代海上丝绸之路的枢纽,还是现代中国的对外商务中心,今天的广州是一个名副其实的美食大都会。
There was a mishmash of different patterns and fabrics. 不同的图案和织物混杂在一起。
As such it contains little new material, and its chapters are a bit of a mishmash. 如上所述,此书几乎不含新内容,而且其章节编排也略有些混乱。
The astronomers from Minnesota, who planted this mishmash of malicious misinformation into the press late last week, must now be rubbing their hands together with glee. 上周末期,向新闻界公布这恶意误报的破玩意儿的明尼苏达天文学家现在想必在暗暗高兴。
Add together the range of options and the desire to act quickly, and Congress's jobs package, much like the original stimulus, will probably end up as an ugly mishmash. 将这些选项加在一起和快速行动的渴望,以及国会就业一揽子计划,很想起初的经济刺激计划,很有可能以一个难看的四不像而告终。
The new housing development is a mishmash of architectural styles. 新的住宅区是建筑风格的大杂烩。
The mishmash armor would fit him as well, as he scrounged for pieces of equipment which was likely all too large for him. 拼凑而成的护甲也符合他的情况,因为他能找到那些护甲部件对他来说可能太大了。