I have searched my conscience, and believe I have never mistreated you. 扪心自问,我从没亏待过你。
When we are mistreated or misunderstood, how do we respond? 当人误会我们、苛待我们,我们如何回应呢?
Disrupt is a good word we have mistreated terribly to the point it has become powerless. 颠覆是个很好的词,但由于人们严重滥用,它已经失去了原本的力量。
6God spoke to him in this way:'Your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated four hundred years. 神说,他的后裔,必寄居外邦,那里的人,要叫他们作奴仆,苦待他们四百年。
24He saw one of them being mistreated by an Egyptian, so he went to his defense and avenged him by killing the Egyptian. 到了那里,见他们一个人受冤屈,就护庇他,为那受欺压的人报仇,打死了埃及人。
But the Egyptians mistreated us and made us suffer, putting us to hard labor. 埃及人恶待我们,苦害我们,将苦工加在我们身上。
During his long confinement, Browder was badly mistreated because he repeatedly rebelled and proclaimed his innocence. 在布劳德漫长的监禁中,因为多次反抗并声称自己是无辜的,他遭到了残酷的对待。
White, pure and innocent, like a child who was mistreated and hurt. 白色,有点纯净而无辜的感觉,像个受了伤的委屈的孩子。
The resultant benefits of using a "Probiotic" approach is that our environment is not mistreated with unwanted chemicals and environmental balance is restored. 使用益生酵素产品能确保我们的环境是被保护的,没有被不必要的化学物质来干扰,能够恢复生态平衡。
I hate to see books being mistreated. 我看见别人糟蹋书就感到讨厌。
I constantly hear people who will not let go of their pride and apologize because of this fear of being mistreated, taken advantage of or walked all over in the future. 我常常听到人们说起,他们之所以不放下骄傲去道歉,是因为害怕被错待,被欺负、被践踏。
He knows that he mistreated you both. 他知道自己以前对你们俩不好。
It is easy to be misdiagnosed and mistreated, we should be aware of this disease should be raised. 结论该病临床上多见,但因临床表现不典型,易误诊,应提高对该病的认识。
Transportation and handling products to be mistreated, to avoid through broken. 运输、装卸产品时须小心轻放,避免破漏。
Teacher Luo says everyone is very welcoming and kind-hearted unless they're mistreated. 罗老师说这里的人心地都很善良,对客人很友善。
People who have been mistreated may report to law enforcing organizations which is required to investigate and respond to the claim properly. 根据中国法律,个人受到非法待遇,可依法律程序向司法机关报告,司法机关会进行调查并做出处理。
And Mr Tenet's book tour is turning into a nightmare; every time he goes on television to complain that the administration mistreated and misquoted him, he looks more and more snivelling. 每当他在电视上出镜,抱怨布什政府对他不公,断章取义的引用他的话时,也越来越痛哭流涕了。
He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time. 他宁可和上帝的百姓同受苦害,也不愿暂时享受罪中之乐。
Few of those who buy these expensive products understand what they are taking, the relative lack of regulatory protection and the potential for them to be misinformed, mistreated and misused. 购买这些昂贵产品的妇女中很少有人了解她们服用的究竟是什么,也不理解该类药物存在监管保护不足的问题,更不了解有误告知,误治和误用的潜在可能。
Had been mistreated by one of our staff. 被我的一个员工认错人了。
"I had seen many more patients die from being mistreated for consumption than from consumption itself"( Earl of Lytton). “我看到很多病人死于结核病,但更多的人却因被误诊为结核病而死亡”(林德爵士)。
If you are mistreated at work, you'll be tempted to get even. 如果你在工作中受到不公平的对待,你会有一种报复的冲动。
If they're ripped off or mistreated. 即使是受到敲诈或者威胁。
I never lost my interest in Native Americans or my feeling that they had been terribly mistreated. 我对美国原住民的兴趣从来就没有减退过,同时也深深感到他们受到了多么不公正的对待。
Conclusions The early clinical manifestation of extranodal NK-T cell lymphoma-nasal type is not typical, which is easy to be misdiagnosed and mistreated. 结论结外NKT细胞淋巴瘤鼻型早期临床表现不典型,易误诊误治;
In Wang An-yi's motif, the infatuated women identify themselves with patriarchal culture by being mistreated, resulting in the severe crisis of identity. 在王安忆小说的负心情变母题里,痴情女性以受虐来认同男权文化,导致了自我身份认同的严重危机。
Points out that the patients 'psychological fluctuation are easily influenced by the doctors' professional skills and service attitude and medical conflicts may follow consequently if mistreated. 进一步指出求美者的心理波动可由医生的医疗技术和服务态度等影响,从而引发医疗纠纷。
Mehthod The clinicopathological data of10 children patients with bone metastatic neuroblastoma who were misdiagnosed and mistreated were restudied and their biologic behaviors were observed. 方法对10例误诊、误治的小儿神经母细胞瘤伴骨转移的临床病理资料进行认真复习,并观察其组织学特点。
Although topsoil takes a long time to build up, if mistreated it can vanish in just a few seasons due to erosion by wind and water. 尽管上层土经过长时间才形成,但是如果不正确利用,则会由于风和水的侵蚀经过几季就消失。