The dell was to be left a solitude among its dark, old trees, which, with their multitudinous tongues, would whisper long of what had passed there, and no mortal be the wiser. 那小小的山谷将被遗弃在幽暗和古老的树木中间,孤独而寂寞地聆听着那些树木的众多舌头长时间地悄声议论着在这里发生过的不为人知的事情。
The Chongqing rural population is multitudinous, after implement the city and countryside overall plan, the massive countrysides person will to be the city person. 重庆市农村人口众多,在实行城乡统筹后将有大量农村人变城里人。
The company has collected the multitudinous technical outstanding person and the outstanding managerial talent, the product quality as well as the post-sale service receives the customer to appraise highly. 公司汇集了众多技术精英和优秀管理人才,产品质量以及售后服务均受到客户高度评价。对客户的独特服务:售前、中、后一条龙服务。
In the multitudinous high piano educational models, the research of collective digital piano class has the important significance. 由此,在众多的高师钢琴教学模式中,研究数码钢琴集体课教学,具有时代意义。
The modern people live at home the design request to the specialization to be increasingly high, the intelligence becomes the multitudinous Chinese youth person repairs when the room the pursue. 现代人对专业化的家居设计要求愈来愈高,灵性成为众多中青年人装修居室时的追求。
The methods of getting ravine density is complex currently, because this factor is multitudinous in the process of gaining ravine density, this is a hindrance to further spatial analysis. 对于沟壑密度的提取方法目前较为复杂,这主要由于在提取过程中所涉及到的因子数目众多,为进一步的空间分析研究设置了障碍。
Like coral insects multitudinous. The minutes are whereof our life is made. 就象无以计数的珊瑚虫那样,我们的一生是由分分秒秒构成的。
Some works bestow the domestic national leaders and the celebrated people, the multitudinous works is hanging in several scenic sites of Lijiang. 有的赠送国内一些领导及知名人士,众多作品悬挂于丽江各处旅游景点。
Pofrssional supplier and manufactory in multitudinous kind of mats. 专业地垫生产制造供应商。
As the role between the sands is so complex, the theoretical analysis of the Bingham yield stress has not been so perfect, and the analyzed calculation was much multitudinous. 宾汉极限切应力是描述非牛顿体流变特性的一个重要参数,由于流体中泥沙颗粒之间作用的复杂性,使得宾汉极限切应力的理论分析还不完善,其解析计算也较繁琐。
Researches show that the radiator made up of elliptical tubes with fins is the most suitable type among the existing multitudinous radiators. 本文研究表明,在目前众多换热器型式中,以翅片椭圆管型式最为适合;
There are multitudinous layers of the Abyss, perhaps even an infinite number. 在无尽深渊有许多的层次,它的数目可能会大到无限。
A Reception Aesthetics Research on Fifth Chinese Daughter from Multitudinous Perspectives 接受美学视野中对《华女阿五》的多角度解读
There are many multitudinous hypothesis in studying economic, The economic men hypothesis is one of the basic but second for the dispute. 在经济学的众多假设中,经济人假设是最基本也是最招争议的一种假设。
We keep good credit standings in our management all the time and win good appraisements from multitudinous lovers of curio collection. 本公司在经营过程中一直恪守信誉,赢得了广大收藏爱好者的一致好评。
In formerly was multitudinous in the entire area and the national project accumulated the rich operation and the managerial experience. 在以往众多全区性和全国的大型项目中积累了丰富的操作和管理经验。
Multitudinous host plants and the inherent polyphagous characteristics enhance the wide invasion of B and Q biotypes in different counties. 丰富的寄主植物以及本身具有的多食性特性有助于B型、Q型等生物型在世界各地的广泛入侵。
The stock exchanged in stock quotation system is especially multitudinous and must be processed real-time and promptly. 证券报价的数据通信量特大,且要实时和及时进行数据处理,并快速显示结果。
Because of a recognition that these extraordinary, difficult and multitudinous problems are not going to be amenable to solution unless there's mutual effort and American leadership. 因为人们的共识是,除非通过共同努力以及美国的领导,否则这些数量众多的棘手难题将无法得到令人满意的解答。
E multitudinous is a song, as you all are lonely land. 沵是涐一首歌,所有寂寞都随你降落。
The curative effect in "web-based hospital" can preponderate over multitudinous conservative integrated hospitals. 在治病功效上,一个“网络医院”就可以超过一万座常规的综合型的大医院。
After the start ceremony ended, the multitudinous honored guest andfirst Session China always play in the finals the top-notch contestantmutually to take a group souvenir photo, and reaches agreement inoctober, 2007 Guangdong to meet. 启动仪式结束后,众多嘉宾和首届中国总决赛十佳选手互相合影留念,并相约2007年10月广东再会。
As one of modern company important forms, the limited liability companys unique superiority receives the multitudinous investors favor from the establishment to the present. 有限责任公司作为现代公司的重要形式之一,从被创立之初到现在,其独特的优越性就受到众多投资者的青睐。
Crime organization is formed by the multitudinous individuals intending to gain the biggest benefit. 犯罪组织是由众多的个体为获取最大的利益而形成的。
Our entity is composed of multitudinous selves with their own identities, many of whom have worked in this behalf. 我们的实体由大量具有各自身份的自我组成,其中很多自我已经为此利益而工作。
Appetite is the keenness of living; it is one of the senses that tells you that you are still curious to exist, that you stillhave an edge on your longings and want to bite into the world and taste its multitudinous flavours and juices. 食欲是对生存的强烈渴望;这一咸官告诉你,你对生存仍有好奇心,你和欲望和期待仍很旺盛,依然希望咀嚼这大千世界,品尝它五花八门的风味和甜汁儿。
After his promotion to management, Bob was sometimes overwhelmed by mountains of paperwork and multitudinous administrative chores. 鲍伯升任管理职后,有时候会淹没在堆积如山的文书作业与大量行政杂事中。
On the other hand, multitudinous literatures explain or prove so-called Coase theorem with duopoly model. 另一方面,在众多的经济学文献中都以一个双头模型来解释或证明所谓的“科斯定理”。
The multitudinous gateway website and the abundant guest website revolve the abundant guest to start the new turn of competition, wants to obtain more benefits. 众多门户网站和博客网站围绕博客开始新一轮的竞争,想获得更多利益。
The relationships between trust, distrust and control has become sub-focal points for contemporary multitudinous social sciences discipline researching on trust. 信任、不信任与控制之间的关系及其应用,已成为当代众多社会科学学科研究信任问题的子焦点之一。