The meeting was organised by Congresswoman Maxine Waters. 会议由众议员玛克辛·沃特斯组织。
The rebels are well organised, disciplined and very well armed. 叛乱者组织有序,纪律性强,武装精良。
The tables were organised into six different categories 餐桌被编为6个不同的类别。
The council has organised a series of events and competitions for school children in the area 委员会为本地区的中小学生组织了一系列的活动和比赛。
A successful job search needs to be as well organised as any other executive task 成功的求职与执行其他任何任务一样,都需要良好的条理性。
They booked our hotel, and organised car hire 他们为我们订好了旅馆并安排了租车事宜。
The rally was organised at the instance of two senior cabinet ministers. 集会是应两位资深内阁大臣的要求组织的。
These courses cover a twelve-week period and are organised into three four-week modules. 这些课程要上12周,分为3个单元,每单元4周。
The initial mobilisation was well organised. 初步动员安排到位。
Get organised and get going. 规划起来,马上行动吧。
You'll need to provide continuous, organised entertainment or children may get over-excited. 你要提供连贯有序的娱乐活动,否则孩子们就有可能兴奋过头。
The president could only be removed from power once free elections were organised 总统只有在开始自由选举时才能被免职。
The evacuation is being organised at the request of the United Nations Secretary General. 根据联合国秘书长的要求,正在组织撤退。
The opposition is worried that a snap election will be held before they can get organised. 反对党担心的是,选举会在他们组织妥当之前仓促举行。
Art theft is now part of organised crime. 盗窃艺术品如今成为一种有组织的犯罪活动。
In the old animistic world view, people believed that nature was organised by invisible souls. 过去信仰万物有灵论的人们认为自然是由看不见的灵魂安排的。
She has been involved in the war against organised crime. 她参与了打击有组织犯罪的斗争。
He said: It was scheduled and organised. 斯科拉里说:这是计划上和组织上安排的。
ILSA organised a number of public rallies and called for a referendum on independence. ILSA组织了很多公共聚会,并组织了独立的全民公投。
It was organised by the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and the International Institute for Environment and Development. 参加这次会议的有来自非洲、国际组织和英国政府的70名科学家和决策者。这次会议由Tyndall气候变化研究中心和国际环境与发展研究所主办。
I had my closet organised ( had being the operative word). 我整理了我的衣橱(如果这么说可以的话)。
Scientists and technicians were engaged and organised on a very large scale. 在极为庞大的规模上延揽和组织科学家和技术人员。
Tourism is a leisure activity which presupposes its opposite, namely regulated and organised work. 观光是一个休闲的活动,这预示了它的对立面,也就是被控制的和有组织的工作。
The programme was organised in12 oral sessions and a poster session. 该方案举办了12届口头和海报会议。
The Olympiad is an international multi-sport event held every four years, organised by the International Olympic Committee. 奥运会是由国际奥委会组织的、国际性的、包括多个运动项目的体育赛事,它每四年举行一次。
There are grounds for concern over organised crime and corruption, especially in Bulgaria. 还是有理由去关注有组织的犯罪和腐败的,特别是保加利亚。
Throughout the year, lectures and seminars on complaint prevention were organised for Junior Police Officers. 年内,该课为初级警务人员举办多个讲座和研讨会,讲述如何预防遭受投诉。
Privatisation and the breaking up of statutory monopolies has reduced rent-seeking by organised groups of public employees. 私有化和打破法定垄断,减少了有组织的公共雇主群体的寻租行为。
In the1960s football became more popular and better organised. 1960年,足球在日本更受欢迎和有更好的组织。
To begin with, it was the teachers who were organised. 首先,教师有了组织。