Anyone who has overpaid tax will be able to backdate their claim to last April. 超额纳税者申领退款可以从去年4月算起。
If Apple buys shares at$ 600, and the stock later drops to$ 400, its remaining shareholders are penalized& the company overpaid by 30%. 如果苹果以每股600美元的价格回购股票,后来股价跌至每股400美元,留下来的股东就亏了&公司多付了30%的价钱。
Here is the money you overpaid. 这是您多付的钱。
Not because she was a bad employee& because she was overpaid compared to her contributions. 不是因为她是个糟糕的员工,而是因为她和她作出的贡献相比获得的报酬过高。
Taxpayer: I overpaid the personal income tax last month. 纳税人:我上月的税款多缴了。
Sulky and overpaid stars, dubious deals and rapacious players 'agents are now part of the scenery. 薪酬过高却郁郁不乐的球星、可疑的交易、贪婪的球员经纪人,都已成为足坛众生相的一部分。
Mr. Murdoch vastly overpaid for The Journal, and continues to support the money-losing New York Post. 默多克对《华尔街日报》的收购买贵了很多,而且他还在继续支持赔钱的《纽约邮报》(NewYorkPost)。
The research firm said it believed the company inflated profit margins and overpaid a related party for coal mines. Glaucus认为,首钢资源夸大了利润率,并对关联方的煤矿出价过高。
By some freak I was overpaid this month. 真稀奇,这个月多给我钱了。
Gary Jenkins of Deutsche Bank points out that, historically, investors have been overpaid for the default risk on high-quality corporate bonds. 德意志银行的加里?詹金斯指出,从历史上来看,投资者因为那些高质量公司债券的违约风险而得到过高回报。
It overpaid for a company that lost$ 7m last year but the deal was a decent tax arbitrage with its spare overseas cash. 对于一家去年亏损700万美元的公司,微软支付了过高的价格,但此笔交易对其空闲的海外现金倒是一种不错的税收套利。
I think company directors are often grossly overpaid. 我以为公司的董事常常是工资拿得太高了。
I think he's overpaid for the little he does. 我认为他干得很少而所得过多。
In other regards, Anglo-Saxons and continental Europeans were united in outrage over business leaders, with about three quarters of people from all countries believing managers are overpaid and unethical. 另一方面,盎格鲁-撒克逊人和欧洲大陆人对企业领导人表示出了一致的愤慨,他们中约四分之三的人认为,企业管理者薪酬过高,且缺乏道德。
I no longer support my overpaid doctor who claimed he cured me. 我也不再惠顾那个宣称治好了我的病、收费高昂的医生了。
Tax payers have the right to require refund for overpaid taxes to tax authorities. 纳税人有向主管税务机关要求退还多缴的税款的权利。
But car sales are slumping, and it is clear that Tata Motors overpaid for its British trophies. 但在汽车销售形势每况愈下的环境下,塔塔汽车收购这两个英国汽车品牌明显是吃亏了。
There are an awful lot of overpaid and under-occupied health promotion officers around who are obsessed with sex. 有多得可怕的报酬过高工作清闲的健康促进官员迷心于性。
Some directors are grossly overpaid. 有些经理的报酬过高。
Has Jack been overpaid for his work? 杰克的工作报酬是否过高?
By 'it' I mean the fact that any tax gathered from the nomadic nom-doms, itinerant hedge-fund managers and overpaid bankers is all fiscal manna from heaven. 它是指任何从流动的非本地人身上征收的税,流动的对冲基金经理和报酬过于丰厚的银行家都是从天国而来的财政甘露。
In most countries such jobs are overpaid in relation to the average income. 在多数国家里,这类工作的报酬与平均收入相比过高。
Andy: I hope something interesting like a highly overpaid actor or a dot-com CEO. 安迪:我希望他能干一些有趣的事,如挣大钱的演员或网络公司的CEO什么的。
He managed to get a rebate of$ 800 for overpaid tax which had been deducted from his bank account. 他设法从他的银行账户被扣除的多付的税款中获得了800元退款。
The buy-out group had originally overpaid. The deal is now being renegotiated. 起初这家收购集团的出价过高,目前双方正在重新协商此笔交易。
In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet. 如果是这样,我肯定多付了我的地毯钱。
It was explained to her that she owed these companies no further karma, and actually they owed her in return because she had overpaid the debt in interest. 对她的解释是,她不再和这些公司拥有更多业力,实际上他们反过来欠她,因为她已用利息过多支付了债务。
Sir Tom and Sir Fred Goodwin, former chief executive of the now government-controlled RBS, told a committee of MPs in London that they had overpaid for the Dutch lender, which they bought as part of a consortium. 汤姆爵士和RBS前首席执行官弗雷德•古德温爵士(SirFredGoodwin)在伦敦向下议院的一个委员会表示,他们为荷兰银行支付了过高的价格。
A couple of weeks ago we published our run-down of The NBA's Most Overpaid Players. 两周前,我们发表了NBA高薪低能球员榜单。
I think these city bankers are grossly overpaid. 我认为这些银行家的收入过高。