Is the council right to be concerned, or is it overreacting? 市政委员会表示关切是合情合理呢,还是反应过激?
The market appeared to overreact, but this is not the case 市场反应看似过激,但实际并非如此。
I overreact to anything sad. 我一碰上悲伤的事物就难以控制情绪。
And as you get more senior, not only will people speak less clearly to you but they will overreact to the small things you say. 尤其是当你的级别上升后,人们不仅不会和你把话说清楚,还会对你所说的小事反应过激。
Stakeholders must not overreact to early mistakes, digressions, or immature designs. 涉众不应对早期错误、背离或不成熟的设计反应过激。
You could overreact to emotional situations regarding your relationship. 对于你恋情中的情感问题,你可能会反应过激。
Meantime, try not to overreact to your wacky boss, Bernstein cautions. 与此同时,伯恩斯坦也警告说,不要对行为乖癖的老板反应过度。
Don't overreact if your partner has a poor attitude. 如果你的伴侣态度不好,不要反应过度。
We should recognise the dangers, but not overreact. 我们应该认识到危险,但不应该过于恐惧。
You must learn not to overreact to criticism. 你必须学会不要对批评反廊太强烈。
Without sleep, the emotional centers of our brains dramatically overreact to bad experiences, research now reveals. 现今研究揭示在无睡眠的情况下人的大脑感情中枢会对于不好的体验做出大大过度的反应。
But the fear is that the Chinese will overreact and engineer a recession either that or traders cannot bear the thought that easy money to fight the crisis will soon be a thing of the past. 但市场的忧虑在于,中国可能反应过度,制造出一场经济衰退,或者交易员承受不了这样的想法:旨在对抗危机的宽松信贷很快将成为往事。
But some researchers believe HIV causes the innate immune system to overreact. 但一些研究人员认为,艾滋病病毒可使先天免疫系统反应过激。
Recognising this and refusing to overreact will significantly help you to bring forward the day when it's all just a part of the past. 认识到这一点,并且拒绝过度反应&这将会在很大程度上帮助你早日解脱,届时,这些麻烦都仅仅是过去的一部分了。
Telling someone to stay calm and not to overreact. 请对方保持冷静,勿做出过激反应。
The price clearly isn't right. We know markets overreact. 他说,现在的价格不适当,我们知道市场会反应过度。
It is delusional to think that a regulatory system can be based on formulas either the investment bankers will outwit the regulators or the regulators will overreact. 认为监管体系可建立在准则基础上是痴心妄想要么投资银行家会耍花招绕过监管,要么监管者会反应过度。
The IMF also said that central banks should take care not to overreact to jumps in inflation caused by large swings in commodity prices. imf还表示,各国央行需要小心,不要对大宗商品价格大幅波动引起的通胀上升反应过度。
The consensus at the conference was that China shouldn't overreact to its recent outbreak of inflation. 与会者大多认为,中国不应对最近的高通货膨胀率反应过度。
You could be your own worst enemy if you overreact to something you're told. 如果对听到的事情反应过度,你可能就是自己最可怕的敌人;
Well, at least she didn't overreact. 咳,至少她的反应还不算过头。
It's possible for the amygdala to begin to overreact, and for the person to mistakenly interpret certain things as dangerous. 很可能杏仁核反应过度,而人就会误以为平常事物具有危险性。
Of course, people who throw temper tantrums or who overreact are frowned upon for their bad behavior. 当然勃然大怒或者反应过度的习惯是不受欢迎的。
This risk is especially acute given the propensity of Congress to overreact and rush the legislative process in the wake of a crisis ( as seen with elements of Sarbanes-Oxley). 鉴于国会在危机之后有反应过度和加速立法程序的倾向(正如萨班斯-奥克斯利法案(sarbanes-oxley)的内容所体现的那样),这种风险就尤为明显了。
When reacting to minor everyday pain, the child expresses discomfort but does not overreact. 当遇到轻微的日常伤痛后,孩子表现出不适,但没有过度的反应。
When scorned, they are very hurt and may overreact in an almost maudlin way. 当被嘲笑,他们会非常受伤,可能以一种感情脆弱的方式反应过火。
I overreact frequently and experience many false alarms. 我经常反应过度,经常虚惊一场。
Looking at things in a new way can help you redirect your thinking so you do not exaggerate problems or overreact to them. 用新眼光看待事物能帮助你重新指导思维这样你就不会夸大问题或采取过激反应。
We should be careful not to overreact to something like this. 我们不必对此类事反应过度。
Markets will sometimes overreact, drifting backwards after a lurch, or underreact, taking time to digest the true impact of the new information but overreactions and underreactions should balance out. 市场有时会反应过度,在震荡之后回调,有时又会反应不足,花上一些时间消化新的信息,但反应过度和反应不足应相互抵消。