The results showed that the average temperature in winter and the minimum temperature during winter wheat overwinter time had increased significantly. 结果表明:河北省冬麦区冬季平均气温、小麦越冬期最低气温显著升高;
The results show that P.farinalis has3 generations per year in the Chishui area, and the old larva overwinter in a tunnel made of tea leaves and silk. 结果表明,紫斑谷螟在赤水地区一年发生3代,以老熟幼虫在吐丝连缀茶叶形成的隧道内越冬。
For example, many rusts overwinter on alternate hosts. 例如,许多锈菌在转主寄主上越冬。
Some animals can overwinter without the hibernation. 有些动物不需要冬眠也能过冬。
The higher water content and lower sugar content of non-cocooned larvae might cause them fail to overwinter successfully. 在越冬过程中,裸露幼虫体内高含水量和低含糖量可能是其不能正常越冬的原因。
Researching the ways of overwinter protection, the result is that the plastic cover is the best protection way. 对常绿植物的越冬防寒设施进行了研究,得出最有效的防寒措施是塑料大棚;
Linear Regression Analysis on Tilapia Anabaena Survival Rate and the DO Density in Overwinter FishPonds 越冬鱼塘溶解氧浓度与罗非鱼的成活率的线性回归分析
The grade III trees like Pyracatha fortuneana need small environment or protection to overwinter normally and form the landscape. 火棘等III级树种需要小环境或保护才能正常越冬并形成景观。
In the chill winter, American leaf miner could overwinter safely, but its outbreak was put off in the Spring. 研究表明:在冷冬条件下,美洲斑潜蝇仍可安全越冬,但其在春季的发生推迟。
The predation of birds on five species of overwinter insects in a small area of Poplar Plantation 小块杨树人工林内冬季鸟类对五种越冬昆虫的捕食作用
Based on successive monitoring data on Tilapia Anabaena survival rate and the DO density in overwinter fishpond, the authors applied linear regression analysis method to analyze the relation between them, and proposed the countermeasures according to the results. 通过对罗非鱼越冬鱼塘鱼的成活率及溶解氧浓度的连续监测,运用线性回归分析方法对溶解氧浓度和罗非鱼成活率间关系进行分析,根据结果提出建议和对策。
The results showed that SSB bored into Zizania stubble and overwinter in the form of 6th instar larva. 结果表明,二化螟主要以6龄老熟幼虫在茭白残茬中钻蛀越冬,翌年4月中旬为化蛹高峰期,4月中旬末至下旬为羽化高峰期。
Studies on cold-resistance of the overwinter larva of Dendrolimus spectabilis in Shandong 赤松毛虫越冬幼虫抗寒性研究
In last June, the old larva got down to the litter to cocoon and overwinter. 6月下旬老熟幼虫吐丝下垂在枯枝落叶层内结茧越冬。
The key factors which affected the pastures can be planted or not were drought resistance and the rate of overwinter, while the key factor of affecting overwinter rate was water. 杂种苜稽,影响能否种植的关键因子是抗旱性和越冬率,影响越冬率的主要因子是水分。
This species can safely overwinter in the North of China. 自然条件下,凹唇壁蜂在我国北方大部分地区可安全越冬。
They overwinter in the form of adults or larvae underground. 以成虫及幼虫在土中越冬。
Wetlands in the desert area of the Western China play an important role in migration, breeding and overwinter of waterfowl. 荒漠地区湿地对水禽迁徙、繁殖、越冬有着特殊重要的作用。
In this paper, we elaborate the reptant culture techniques of pomegranate in Xinjiang in the following respects: variety, orchard establishment, trimming and overwinter. 从品种、建园、整形、越冬四个关键环节论述了新疆石榴匍匐栽培的独特技术特点。
Two matching types ( A 2, A 1A 2) of Phytophthora capsici are identified in Changsha region of Hunan, and they often overwinter in the soil as oospore. 湖南长沙地区疫霉菌的配对型有A2和A1A2两种类型,多以卵孢子形态在土壤中越冬;
The comparison of light intensity temperature, relative humidity, and the test of cultivating autumn winter tomato, overwinter celery, spring cucumber were conducted in three solar lean to greenhouses with different height ridge and span in cold season. 通过对3种不同高度、不同跨度的日光温室,在寒冷季节的光照、温度等性能比较,并通过秋冬番茄、越冬芹菜、春提前黄瓜的栽培试验。
Study on overwinter specific property of top buds of Paulownia elongata 兰考泡桐苗木顶芽越冬特性初步研究
Phenology Model for Cotton Bollworm Overwinter Generation in North Xinjiang 新疆北部棉铃虫越冬代羽化物候学模型美洲斑潜蝇发生的物候学模型
Adult 60-200 days ( overwinter generation). 成虫寿命长达60天或200余天(越冬代)。
The larvae attack summer crops, and autumn-sown wheat before they descend to overwinter. 幼虫为害夏季作物,并在下蛰前为害秋播小麦。
Conidia are able to overwinter on fallen leaves and become the primary source of infection. 病菌孢子能在病残叶上越冬,成为第二年主要初次侵染来源。
But, the overwinter rate varied yearly. 然而,一代幼虫的越冬比率,年度间差异较大。
Due to the pathogens of roots diseases existence and harm roots of plants, and the pathogens of soil-borne diseases overwinter in the soil, so biological control have great potential for those plant diseases. 由于根及根茎病害的病原物存在和危害根部,且土传病害的病原菌在土壤中越冬,故对此类病害进行生物防治有极大的潜力。
The overwinter survival rate is not significant in different green land type and east-west streets. 东西向街道的路南与路北和不同绿地类型(庭院和街道)的年越冬成活率变化不大。