I thought of myself as a patriarch, dispensing words of wisdom to all my children. 我把自己当作在向子女传授至理名言的一家之长。
The patriarch of the house, Mr Jawad, rules it with a ferocity renowned throughout the neighbourhood 那户人家的家长贾瓦德先生治家严苛,名闻乡里。
Joseph Kennedy, the clan's patriarch, communicated with Bobby in a series of notes. 宗族族长约瑟夫·肯尼迪通过一系列便笺和博比交流。
Just think how great he was: Even the patriarch Abraham gave him a tenth of the plunder! 4你们想一想,先祖亚伯拉罕将自己所掳来上等之物取十分之一给他,这人是何等尊贵呢!
Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day. 弟兄们,先祖大卫的事,我可以明明的对你们说,他死了,也葬埋了,并且他的坟墓,直到今日还在我们这里。
As was previously reported, Steve Zahn will be playing the nightmare patriarch of the new family, Ronnie. 而之前报道说,SteveZahn将会扮演这个新家庭里的老公Ronnie。
Religious observances began with the arrival of the Latin Patriarch, the head of the Roman Catholic Church in the Holy Land. 宗教仪式是以天主教会驻圣地领袖拉丁大主教的到来开始的。
Father, who thinks the world is a jungle, is an abusive patriarch; 父亲认为世界是由酋长主宰的大丛林,母亲则以一种慈悲的态度面对世界。
Patriarch Feng was guru chen's teacher in Tang tantra. 冯大阿梨是陈上师的唐密教授师。
When the patriarch of the north campus had left, there were members of the south section left. 送走了北校区的元老们后,剩下的就是南校区的会员们了。
Even Abraham the patriarch gave him a tenth of the spoils. 先祖亚伯拉罕将自己所掳来上等之物取十分之一给他。
Thanks to Stanley for sharing with us a photo of the meditation belt of the great Patriarch Milarepa. 感谢成穗和我们分享伟大祖师&密勒日巴尊者的禅修皮带相片。
As well as having many privileges, the patriarch of each family unit has many responsibilities. 除了有很多的特权外,每个家庭单位的家长也有很多责任。
In the Old Testament, the son of the patriarch Jacob and his wife, Rachel. 《旧约》中,牧首雅各与其妻拉结之子。
He supported the patriarch, he conciliated the greeks. 他支持大教长,他绥抚希腊人。
She suffers all pupil's patriarch's highly praising and respect. 她受到全体小学生家长的高度赞扬与尊敬。
Gao Xingjian, the winner of Nobel Literature Prize had written a drama named Snow in June, in which he reproduced the Zen case between Fifth Zen Patriarch Hongren and Sixth Zen Patriarch Huineng. 诺贝尔文学奖获得者高行健写了一个剧本《六月雪》,用现代的方式重现了五祖弘忍与六祖慧能之间的禅门公案。
They bravely rebelled against the feudal ethics and patriarch morals, pursuing their dream life. 大胆反抗封建礼教,追求理想生活。
This is'traditional'domination exercised by the patriarch and the patrimonial prince of yore. 昔日的家族长制和世袭君主所实行的,就是这种“传统的”支配。
He is also, and first of all, the bishop of Rome and, for Eastern Christians, the patriarch of the West. 他亦是,首先,罗马的主教,并为东部的基督徒,老人家的西方国家。
Greek patriarch of alexandria and leading defender of Christian orthodoxy against arianism. 达修亚历山大时期的希腊主教,是基督教正统教派反对阿里乌斯教义的主要保卫者。
Each family of gorillas is led by a great silverbacked patriarch. 每个大星星家族都由一个魁梧的、长着银色被毛的族长带领着。
One, he said, had been written by Abraham, the Jewish patriarch. 他说,有一张是犹太始祖亚伯拉罕写的。
This Oblation which he himself offers for our Patriarch N 这奉献,他本人为我们提供了北牧首
The second Old Testament patriarch; son of Abraham and sarah; father of Jacob and esau. 第二本《旧约全书》的创办者;亚伯拉罕和沙拉的儿子;雅各布和以扫的父亲。
The patriarch paid him a handsome price. 族长给了他一笔可观的数目。
The Patriarch or Pope of Rome claimed to be the head of the entire Christian church. 罗马教皇声称是整个基督教会的头儿。
Now consider how great this man was, unto whom even the patriarch Abraham gave the tenth of the spoils. 你们想一想这人是多么伟大啊!祖先亚伯拉罕也要从上等的掳物中,拿出十分之一来给了他。
That Patriarch was very intelligent; he did not have to study to learn Chinese, he just listened. 这位祖师也很聪明的,他学中文不用学,一听就会了。