They threw him in the pokey, kept him under very harsh conditions. 他们把他投进监狱,服刑条件非常恶劣。
Second, they are untrustworthy snakes, always keen to assure buyers there is a lot of interest in some pokey basement, while at the same time telling sellers that a mingy offer is the best they will get. 第二,他们都是不值得信任的小人。他们总是信誓旦旦地向买家保证,某个狭小的地下室有很多人感兴趣,然而同时他们又告诉卖家,房子顶多能卖少得可怜的价钱。
As I passed the town's small and pokey police station on the opposite side of the road, I walked by a small, white, old-fashioned car parked up on my side of the road. 当我走到镇上又小又破的警察局对面的时候,发现有一辆小型白色老式车停在我身边。
Switch on phone A and place it on the table such that the antenna ( the pokey thing at the top) is about half an inch from the egg. 开启手机A并将之放在桌上使其天线部分(头上突起部分)距离蛋杯半英寸。
I'd rather live in this old house with all its inconveniences than in one of those pokey bungalows where you have not room to swing a cat. 尽管诸多不便,我宁愿住在这幢老房子里,也不愿住到那种狭小的平房里,在那里你连转身的地方都没有。
Even if the lobby and restaurants were grand and spacious, the rooms were all too often pokey and old-fashioned. 尽管大堂和餐厅宏伟宽敞,但房间往往狭小过时。
a correctional institution used to detain persons who are in the lawful custody of the government (either accused persons awaiting trial or convicted persons serving a sentence)