'That's too bad,' Teddy said without rancour. “那太糟糕了!”特迪并无怨怒地说道。
He smiled back, with no apparent rancour, despite being listed as the plaintiff in the case. 他回敬以微笑,作为原告他没有表现出明显的敌意。
They need one to prevent the relationship deteriorating into a long and mutually costly period of rancour, crisis, or even conflict. 它们需要建立一个共识,以防两国关系恶化,陷入充满敌意、危机、乃至冲突的两败俱伤的长期阶段。
He was shaken by rage and rancour. 愤怒和怨恨使他不得安生。
Ruth looked at hugh, and he smiled without rancour. 露丝看着休,休毫不带怨恨地一笑。
Rick Adelman knows just how the old arena will look. By the side of Victor Emmanuel every quarrel should be forgotten, all rancour depart. 那曾经的球场现在怎样了,里克-阿德尔曼当然记忆犹新。在维多·伊曼纽尔身旁,一切争执都应当忘记,一切宿恨都应该抛弃。
That perhaps helps explain the extreme rancour of the contest, with neither candidate willing to concede defeat. 这或许有助于解释这场竞争的极度仇意,两位候选人都无意承认失败。
But, hampered by its failure to heal wartime rancour, Japan has struggled to translate its huge economic advantage into diplomatic influence. 但由于未能消除战时的仇恨,日本一直难以将巨大的经济优势转化为外交影响力。
And so much rancour remained on the spirits of the gracious Duncan upon this occasion. 对这件事,豁达的邓肯一直怀恨在心。
Shed hate and rancour, they hurt you more than they do others. 摆脱憎恶和仇恨,他们伤害你更多于伤害其他人。
What David Goldblatt describes as a "vast buzzing cacophony of rancour" is many fans'chance to air their opinion about the game they love. 许多球迷有机会谈谈他们所喜欢的比赛,不过他们的声音被大卫·戈德布拉特描述为“夹杂着愤怒的喧嚣吵闹声”。
By the side of Victor Emmanuel every quarrel should be forgotten, all rancour departed. 在维多?伊曼纽尔身旁,一切争执都应当忘记,一切宿恨都应该抛弃。
Yet that business now looks in danger of unravelling in an atmosphere of rancour. 不过,该业务目前似乎有可能在敌意气氛中解体。
For three decades it has been the subject of intense debate and rancour, preventing as many as400 million births-mostly of baby girls. 三十年来独生子女政策一直饱受争议和反对,因为它阻止了四亿婴儿的出生&大部分是女婴。
Americans often complain about the rancour in their political debate. President Obama is daily reviled, seldom mocked. 美国人常常抱怨本国政治辩论中的怨恨之意&美国总统奥巴马(Obama)天天被人谩骂,却鲜少遭人嘲弄。
For all its civilised aspect, Oxford is prone to rancour. 虽然有其非常文明的方面,牛津却也并非净土。
There was little rancour in the south, where a single party is overwhelmingly dominant and most southerners have set their sights on a referendum early next year that could lead to independence. 南部的积怨不深,由一党主导,大部分南部人渴望在明年初举行通向独立的公民投票。
Therefore, in a spirit of meanness, rancour, cynicism and misanthropy, let us revive an old tradition by wondering if there is sometimes a little more to philanthropy than compassion and benevolence. 这样吧,让我们以一种自私吝啬、充满敌意、玩世不恭和愤世嫉俗的精神,重拾一个古老的传统,想想是否慈善事业有时不仅仅与热情和仁爱有关。
Can't we settle this disagreement without rancour? 我们可否好说好商量解决这分歧?
Partisan gridlock is worse than ever: health-care reform, a genuinely impressive achievement, has become a prime source of rancour. 党派之间的僵局更甚以往:医疗改革实际上是一项杰出的成就,但却成了两党敌意的主要来源。