On occasions when you're pressed against the wall while someone is ranting, throw the responsibility back at them by calmly asking, So what do you intend to do about it? 当你承受巨大压力,有人却不断唠叨时,你可以心平气和地问他:那你打算怎么做呢,从而把责任扔回给对方。
Do we really have to sit and listen to his mindless ranting all evening? 我们真的得整晚坐着听他那愚蠢的夸夸其谈吗?
I wish he'd stop ranting about it. 我希望他别再吵吵嚷嚷了。
I was ranting. I was a mess. 我简直口无伦次一塌糊涂。
Capello's usual touchlne ranting was notable by its absence that night in Athens, and it is hard to say how much responsibility he bore for the nature of the victory. 那晚卡佩罗标志性的咆哮并未出现,也很难看出他天生就有胜利的因子。
The boss allows us one hour for lunch, and if we take even five minutes longer he starts ranting and raving about our laziness. 老板给我们一小时吃午饭,但倘若我们晚回来五分钟,他就开始暴跳如雷,责怪我们太懒。
Nobody wants to create a negative atmosphere with nonstop ranting about work, but talking about your frustrations or challenges is healthy. 虽然谁都不想一直对工作大吵大闹来制造出一个消极气氛,可是讨论你的沮丧或挑战是健康的行为。
Does this sound like the ranting of a Tea Party activist? 这听起来像不像茶党(teaparty)活动分子的言论?
He was ranting about the murder of his dad. 他大叫她就是杀死他父亲的凶手。
Some reviewers continue to dismiss songs like this as petty "ranting" and "paranoia," but this is some deft social criticism for those who look beyond the surface. 有些评论者继续贬低这类歌曲为“抱怨”和“偏执”,但对那些能够透过表面看本质的人来说,这首歌是巧妙的社会批评。
I only wish my American friends could understand my Chinese ranting* or at least share some of my heartfelt pain. 我只希望我的美国朋友们能看懂我的中文胡言,或许能分享我心中的疼痛。
First, let me start with some ranting, raving, and confusing double-talk, then we'll get to the good stuff. 首先让我来段激昂、含糊、费解、不知所云的话,然后我们再来说些有意思的。
Now here's another lunatic. here's a mouth-frother, here's a bigot, here's a stiff-necked buffoon who, in one ranting article, shows all that is wrong, footling and absurd about modern china. 这儿又来了一个疯子。这个满嘴废话的家伙,这个偏执狂。这个傲慢的小丑,在一篇咆哮的文章里,表现了关于现代中国的一切缪误,愚蠢和荒谬。
This is a site dedicated to the ranting, music, and art created by me Xtian Downs. 这是一个由我戴思汉专门为狂言,音乐和艺术创造的网站。
I was ranting on about history and our English heritage. 我正大讲特讲历史和我们英国的传统。
So closely does the world watch its central bankers that, if he is seen to fail now, he will face a tide of ranting commentary. 全球对央行行长们的关注如此密切,以至于如果他现在被视为失败,他将面临如潮般的批评。
According to the thermal decomposition temperatures ranting from 80~ 160 ℃ to 200~ 240 ℃, it can be deduced that organic matter has evolved to the over-mature stage, as indicated by the existence of liquid hydrocarbon inclusions and bitumen hydrocarbon fluid inclusions in the dolomite. 由于从80~160℃到200~240℃的热解作用,有机物质已演化到过成热阶段。这一过程可由白云岩中存在液态烃及含沥青烃流体包裹体得到证明。