They have tried to reinvent their retail stores 他们一直在尝试改造他们的零售店。
He was determined to reinvent himself as a poet and writer. 他下决心把自己重塑成一个诗人兼作家。
Some of these ideas are worth pursuing, but there is no need to reinvent the wheel. 这些观点中有些值得进一步探究,但是没有必要全盘重来。
So far, Netflix has succeeded by continuing to reinvent itself to stay ahead of competitors. 到目前为止,网飞通过持续对自身进行改造,成功地在竞争中保持了领先位置。
The aim of this architecture is not to reinvent the wheel, but rather utilize existing components and infrastructure. 该架构的目的不在于转变方向,而是使用已存在的构件和基础。
If a service already exists for something, use it& don't reinvent it. 如果某个方面的服务已经存在,请使用这个服务&而不要自己从头构建。
Why reinvent when you can reuse existing solutions? 如果您可以重新使用现存的解决方案为什么还要重新创建呢?
The British fashion industry has been supportive of my career and allowed me to reinvent myself, she said. 英国时尚界对我事业很有帮助,而且也让我重新审视了自己,她说。
If you wanted to create a decentralized Uber, Dropbox, Facebook, you could reinvent the Internet. 如果你想创建分散管理的优步、Dropbox以及Facebook,你可以重塑互联网。
Every time she needs to reinvent herself, she manages to do it. 每次她需要彻底改造自己的形象,她都成功的做到了。
He went on to reinvent the manufacturing process and the entire automobile industry. 他改进了制作业生产过程和整个汽车行业。
At its best this offers a chance to reinvent government; 退一万步说,这将会提供一次重整政府的机会;
The fun in my business is to constantly reinvent ourselves and that makes it exciting. 我生意中的乐趣就是不断地再自我投资,让生意变得令人兴奋。
Can new products, parties and sales incentive reinvent Tupperware? 新产品、聚会和新的销售政策能彻底改造特百惠吗?
We have to reinvent the world. 我们必须重建世界。
One of the goals of OCCI is integration of existing standards and not to reinvent the wheel. OCCI的一个目标就是集成现存的标准,同时也避免重新发明轮子。
We don't try to reinvent the web paradigm to a stateful one which it clearly isn't. 我们也不会试图重新创造一个有状态的不够清晰的Web模型。
A team with the agile principles can reinvent the practices from scratch if they need to. 遵守敏捷原则的团队能够在需要的时候从无到有改造实践。
Poor countries can also copy rich ones; they do not have to reinvent the wheel. 穷国也可以学习模仿富国;它们不必重新发明轮子。
Would we have to reinvent management altogether if that were no longer the unequivocal goal? 如果这不再是明确的目标,莫非我们得彻底重塑管理学?
What have you done to increase revenues, to decrease expenses, to save time, to reinvent your department in light of the company's changing needs? 比方你做了某某事,添加了公司的支出,增加了收入,节省了工时,依据公司不时变化的需求改组了你的部门等等。
There is no one better qualified to guide our work to reinvent search and online advertising. 没有一个更有资格来指导我们的工作,以重塑搜索和在线广告。
Do not reinvent the wheel but be creative and inovative. 不要重新发明轮子,但要有创意和革新。
Don't reinvent the wheel! 不要重新发明轮子!
At critical points in their existence, they need to reinvent themselves to survive and excel. 在它们存在的临界点上,需要对自身进行彻底改造以便生存下去,取得成就。
If you don't innovate and reinvent yourself, you will become obsolete. 如果你自己不去改变和创新,你将会被淘汰。
Some would help reinvent government, including badly needed reforms in the bureaucracy. 还有一部分资金会用于对政府进行彻底改造,包括改革亟需改革的官僚体系。
You will work at establishing your own personal authority and will reinvent yourself in a larger way. 你会很大精力在建立自己的个人威信和自我改进上。
And I have decided to reinvent myself. 我决定要重塑我自己。
Go check if other people have done that already so you don't have to reinvent the wheel. 去查查看别人做过没有,这样你就不会作白功了。