In one deft move, Facebook has purged itself of petabytes of stale marketing schlock ( the equivalent of so many flashy neon signs), obliged companies to engage more earnestly and intimately with their audiences and reinvigorated its brand pages. Facebook通过一次简单的升级,使自己摆脱了大量乏味的营销广告牌(相当于霓虹灯招牌),迫使企业更真诚、更亲密地与受众交流,给自己品牌的Page注入新的活力。
In delivering the truth, the public and our global economy will be reinvigorated by fresh air filling our collective lungs. 真相的公布就像向我们的肺部注入新鲜空气,将让公众和全球经济恢复生气。
Or would it decide that her personal popularity has waned, but that the brand itself can be reinvigorated without a flesh-and-blood mascot? 或者,投资人会认为她的个人魅力已大减,没有偶像,也能重塑品牌?
At a Stanford appearance last year, Geoffrey Harpham, director of the National Humanities Center, said the humanities must be reinvigorated and are critical to the US 'future. 去年,美国国家人文科学中心负责人杰弗里哈珀姆曾现身斯坦福大学并称人文学科必须寻求复兴,这对美国的未来非常重要。
The victory in the final battle of Season Two has created new alliances but also reinvigorated old enemies. 经历了两季的战争取得的胜利创造了新的联盟但死也壮大了宿敌。
Nike reinvigorated the brand by expanding the franchise, introducing more colors and styles, and helping to push All Stars into overseas markets. 耐克重振匡威的方法包括扩大特许经销区,推出更多颜色和款式,帮助将全明星鞋推向海外市场。
It's only been two weeks since Obama and Cameron hailed a reinvigorated NATO alliance from a golf course in Wales. 奥巴马和卡梅伦在威尔士打了一场高尔夫,谈妥北约联盟才过了两周。
Can the telecom industry be reinvigorated? 电信业能否重振雄风?
Fortunately, it is a hard field to stagnate in, given that we are constantly being challenged and reinvigorated by our connection to the rest of science and to the manufacturing community as a whole. 幸运的事,处在这样的艰难领域内,受到不断的挑战,作为加工大家族的一部分我们从与其他学科的联系中复兴。
News of oil in the Islands also reinvigorated calls in the Aspatrian media and Aspatrian Parliament for a more aggressive assertion of Aspatrian sovereignty over the Islands. 由于石油的发现,阿斯佩特里亚的媒体和国会提倡阿斯佩特里亚要更加强调对群岛的统治权。
With a bit more attention and a bit less arrogance, the transatlantic alliance might now be reinvigorated instead of being angry and resentful. Some, when they take revenge, are desirous, the party should know, whence it cometh. 只要多一点注意,少一点骄气,跨大西洋结盟现在将可再活化,而不再只是愤怒仇恨。有人复仇时想要仇敌知晓这复仇来自何方。
A reinvigorated Doha round would help President George W. Bush in seeking to extend his trade negotiating authority, by showing prospective gains. 通过展示预期收益,重启多哈回合将有助于乔治w布什总统(georgew.bush)延长贸易谈判授权的努力。
Couples who have been together a long time often might believe that the relationship is stagnating and needs to be reinvigorated. 相处很长时间的夫妻可能常常认为这种关系是停滞的,并需要恢复活力。
Anthony Thompson, retail director at the reinvigorated marks and Spencer, was rumoured to be about to quit until Stuart rose, chief executive, managed to persuade him to stay, for the time being at least. 有传言称,在恢复元气的玛莎百货(marksandspencer),零售主管安东尼汤普森(anthonythompson)本打算辞职,但首席执行官斯图亚特罗斯(stuartrose)设法说服他留了下来,至少是暂时留下。
Sales will be supported by a reinvigorated GMAC, its former financing arm, with which it still has close links and which has also taken on a big chunk of Chrysler's vehicle financing. 此次资产出售将由通用汽车前融资子公司、重新焕发活力的通用汽车金融服务公司(GMAC)提供支持。GMAC仍与通用汽车有密切联系,还接管了克莱斯勒(Chrysler)融资的大块业务。
A foothold in China, which has reinvigorated the global steel market, is critical for the company. 近年中国带动了全球钢铁市场的复苏,对这家公司来说,在中国取得一席之地至关重要。
Cambodia's neighbours Thailand and Laos have both recently reported outbreaks of the virus and have also reinvigorated campaigns to control it. 柬埔寨邻国泰国和老挝都报道了病毒的爆发并且已经开始着手控制疫情。
Some companies also believe John McCain, the Arizona senator who has been a fierce critic of the growing cost of procurement, may return to bang the drum if his presidential campaign is not reinvigorated. 一些公司还相信,如果亚利桑那州参议员约翰麦凯恩(johnmccain)不能重振其总统竞选势头,那么,一直强烈批评武器采购费用不断增长的他,就可能重新开始抨击。
In 20 months as president of marketing, strategy and innovation, Coke's most senior female executive had created a new products department, introduced drinks with health benefits and reinvigorated the company's advertising. 在明尼克担任营销、战略和创新业务总裁的20个月里,这位可口可乐公司职位最高的女性管理人士创建了一个新的产品部门、引入了健康饮料,并重振了该公司的广告。
Europe needs to learn from the way that the US reinvigorated its car industry: with tough love. 欧洲需要向美国学习,用“严厉的爱”重振汽车工业。
Implicit in too-big-to-fail is the creation of barriers to the entry of newcomers and it was not until after the second world war that a reinvigorated antitrust policy could play a role in unleashing prosperity. 大得不能倒暗含的意思是,为新来者的进入制造障碍。直到二战结束后,重新焕发生机的反托拉斯政策,才得以在释放繁荣的过程中起到作用。
Moreover, even as these economists came back to the fold on free trade, with the consensus on free trade reinvigorated, Japan ceased to be a threat and protectionist demands against Japan subsided. 此外,尽管这些经济学家重新赞同自由贸易,一致认为应当重振自由贸易,但日本已不再构成威胁,针对日本的保护主义要求也有所减弱。
The change of government could herald a more confrontational phase in German politics as a stronger left-of-centre opposition links up with reinvigorated trade unions against the centre-right coalition. 德国政府组成的变化,可能预示着德国政坛更加对抗时代的来临,因为较为强硬的中左翼反对党将联合重振旗鼓的工会,反对中右翼联盟。
The combination, on the one hand, of newly reinvigorated capitalism and the associated rise in productivity with, on the other, bundesbank-style inflation targeting, adopted implicitly or explicitly by a number of central banks, proved fatal. 刚刚重振精神的资本主义(以及生产率的相应上升),与德国央行式的通胀目标制二者相结合,被证明是致命的。
It's reinvigorated the team. 这让我们团队重新焕发了生机。
The New Deal partially changed the productive relationship of capitalism and made capitalism become reinvigorated. 新政局部改变了资本主义的生产关系,使资本主义在相当程度上克服了垂死的、腐朽的状态,重新恢复了生机。
Only by eliminating the above miscomprehension and bringing the rural subject matter into the scope of feminine literature, can the declining feminine literature be reinvigorated. 只有消除这种误区,把农村题材纳入女性主义文学创作和批评的视野,才能使已趋式微的女性主义文学重新焕发生机。