Why not retrain for a job which will make you happier? 为什么不接受新的培训,找一份让你更快乐的工作?
Union leaders have called upon the government to help retrain workers. 工会领导人已经呼吁政府帮助对工人进行再培训。
Airlines would prefer to update rather than retrain crews. 航空公司更愿意换新员工而不是对旧员工重新进行培训。
And I wasn't a mission commander, so I had to retrain myself on how to interact with my peers. 我已不再是一位指挥官了,因此我必须重新训练自己如何跟同事相处。
And that doesn't even cover the resources required to retrain the IT staff and end users of the applications. 而这甚至还没包括对应用程序的IT人员和最终用户的再培训所需的资源。
I might also try different input parameters and also more science data and retrain the model to see if I can improve the results. 我还可以尝试不同的输入参数,或者使用更加科学数据来重新训练模型,以确定是否能够改善此结果。
Also, if you suffer from diarrhea due to something like food poisoning, note that you will likely have to retrain your intestines. 此外,如果你因食物中毒等引起了腹泻,记住,(再想和牛奶的时候,)你可能还需要训练一下肠道。
Thus, retrain your thinking by wishing well about the person whom you just forgave. 不管怎样,换个思考方式,祝福那个你刚刚原谅的人吧。
A better idea might be to retrain some of the body's own cells to do the work. 一个更好的想法可能是将一些人体自身的细胞进行再培训来完成这个工作。
'It's going to take a lot of time for workers to retrain and get skills in those areas. 工人在这些领域要进行再培训并获得技能得花很多时间。
But it may be difficult to retrain these workers. 但将这些工人重新培训也很难。
You mean how much we'll cost to retrain the workers? 你是说培训老员工花去的费用?
We continue to retrain workers to become more employable, and to support needy families through many assistance programmes. 我们也继续重新培训员工,以提高他们的受雇能力。我们还实施了多项援助贫困家庭的措施。
We need to retrain ourselves to be present in the moment with our spouses. 我们需要重新训练自己,能够专注倾听配偶。
He urged governments directly to address the plight of workers whose livelihoods are threatened by changing patterns of international production and trade, for instance by helping them retrain for new jobs. 由于国际生产和贸易方式的变化威胁到了一些工人的生计,他敦促各国政府设法解决这些工人面临的困境,比如帮助他们进行再就业培训。
Including the trade schools, seven of the best-performing sectors are either helping people retrain or improve their health. 包括职业学校在内,表现最佳的行业中有7个要么帮助人们再培训,要么帮助他们改善健康状况。
But surely the solution is to retrain the existing workforce, rather than cap immigration? 但毫无疑问,解决办法应该是对现有劳动力进行再培训,而不是限制移民。
Mr Rubenstein focuses on the inadequacies of primary and secondary education, as well as the need to re-educate and retrain adults. 鲁宾斯坦着重指出了初等和中等教育不完备的问题,以及对成人进行再教育和再培训的必要性。
He has also ordered ONAT to retrain its staff and hire new inspectors. 同时他还命令国税管理办公室的工作人员进行再培训并且招收新的检察官。
But if you can't afford therapy, there some things you can do on your own to help retrain your brain. 如果你不能负担治疗的费用,你可以自己做一些事情来帮助大脑重新培训。
Has Miss Alison decided whether to retrain or lay off? 艾莉森女士对重新培训或者解雇这些雇员作出决定了吗?
In this section we will provide you useful methods and exercises to help you to retrain your thinking process in English. 本节会介绍几种有效的方法和练习方式,帮你适应用英语来思考。
We'll continue programs to retain people in the'in-demand'skills, retrain when possible and target accessions toward those skills. “我们在‘受欢迎的’技能将继续节目保留人,再培训,当往那些技能的可能和目标增加”。
Many utilities are simply not interested in changing their cabling: it would require all their engineers to retrain. 而许多公用事业单位却对改变布线没啥兴趣,因为这要求对所有的工程师进行再培训。
Overeaters must take responsibility, too, and basically retrain their brains to resist the lure, he cautions. 他警告人们,过量饮食者也必须承担责任,而且主要应该让他们的大脑抵制住诱惑。
Cash could be used to retrain car workers, giving them extended unemployment insurance as they retrain. 资金可用来对汽车业工人进行再培训,并在他们接受再培训期间持续发放失业保险金。
Retrain them or replace them. 对他们重新培训或者解雇他们。
One way to retrain the body is to divide snacks by portion sizes. 有一个节食的办法就是把零食分成好多份。
If I retrain my old workers I lose time while they're in training. 如果将这些工人重新培训,我得在他们培训上花费时间。
The cost of a developer is not their salary, it is having to rehire them and retrain them. 雇用一位开发员的成本并不在于他们的薪水,而是必须重新雇用和重新培训他们。