And at last I could see nothing beyond his ear and the frayed ringlet of one whisker. 到最后,我只能看到他的一只耳朵和一络络腮胡子。
I'd like to talk about my hair, before was straight, right now is ringlet. 我想谈谈关于我的头发,我以前是是直发,但是现在试卷发了。
And at last I could see nothing beyond his ear and the frayed ringlet of one whisker. "Mr. Shang" slowly fingered his three-inch bushy beard, but made no reply. 到最后,我只能看到他的一只耳朵和一络络腮胡子。所谓仲老者,慢慢地拈着他的三寸多长的络腮胡子,却不回答。