
英 [rɔɪld] 美 [rɔɪld]

v.  (水)激荡,翻滚,翻腾; 扰乱;搅乱;使混乱


  1. VERB (水)激荡,翻滚,翻腾
    If water roils, it is rough and disturbed.
    1. The water roiled to his left as he climbed carefully at the edge of the waterfall.
  2. VERB 扰乱;搅乱;使混乱
    Something that roils a state or situation makes it disturbed and confused.
    1. Times of national turmoil generally roil a country's financial markets.


  1. The water roiled to his left as he climbed carefully at the edge of the waterfall.
  2. The financial crisis that has roiled Wall Street is reaching deep into the mainstream economy, throwing a pall over the ability of companies, pension funds and philanthropies to expand and invest.
  3. Also a factor for students to consider this year: The credit crunch has roiled the market for student loans.
  4. The nearly$ 400 billion smartphone industry has been roiled by more than three years of expensive litigation among smartphone makers in courts all over the world.
  5. The studio recently roiled by two failed mergers notably has contracts to produce more than 1,100 episodes of original cartoon programming for Netflix.
  6. In a bid to force banks to manage their liquidity better and avoid maturity mismatches such as the one that roiled markets in June, the new rules would also limit interbank loans to a maximum of one year.
  7. "There are signs of a bubble in China everywhere," he said, adding that a bust would be worse than the1997 Asian currency crisis, when the Thai baht collapse roiled markets.
  8. But the village has been caught up in months of violent protests that have roiled Kashmir.
  9. Not only has the second round of quantitative easing roiled markets, but it has become a lightning rod for debate in Washington, academia, and in policy and political circles around the world.
  10. Cotton prices rose yesterday after India banned exports of the fibre for the second time in two years, continuing a volatile run that has roiled the savviest commodity traders.
  11. Funding concerns have roiled the share price of Cattles, another British lender: it is seeking a banking licence so that it can gather deposits.
  12. From her ruptured tanks poured a reddish-brown gusher of oil that roiled and boiled and gradually spread a vast slick over the grey blue waters.
  13. In a fluid and troubled market, roiled by the Internet and loss-making papers, there will be opportunities similar to the ones Mr Murdoch seized.
  14. The issue has been at the forefront of news coverage over the past few months as unrest has roiled the Middle East and North Africa.
  15. She parried her way through the complacent, male-dominated councils of power& no woman had ever roiled those waters.
  16. Eurozone members have committed to provide up to € 30bn in loans to Greece over the next year to help stave off a debt crisis that has roiled financial markets and posed the most serious challenge to the euro in its history.
  17. That threat, coming after a string of economic disruptions in Europe, Japan and the Middle East, has now roiled the markets and dampened consumer confidence and slowed the pace of recovery.
  18. The crisis has already roiled the dairy industry, with widespread recalls after the industrial chemical melamine was found in milk powder.
  19. Jc value of drawn and roiled strips as obviously increased after single action pressing.
  20. BF-8 Waterproof Roiled Sheet has advantageous properties of ageing resistance, acid-alkali resistance and impermeability. It can be used within the range of-30 ℃~ 80 ℃, cold applied, easily operated and it is low cost.
  21. Surface damage of cold rolled aluminum strip was investigated by observation of roiled surface with a scanning electron microscope.



  1. (of a liquid) agitated vigorously
    1. the river's roiling current
    2. turbulent rapids

    Synonym:    churningroilingroilyturbulent

  2. aroused to impatience or anger
    1. made an irritated gesture
    2. feeling nettled from the constant teasing
    3. peeved about being left out
    4. felt really pissed at her snootiness
    5. riled no end by his lies
    6. roiled by the delay

    Synonym:    annoyedirritatedmiffednettledpeevedpissedpissed offriledsteamedstung