Holidays are for seeing the sights, hearing the language and savouring the smells. 度假是为了赏风景之美,听语言之妙,品百味之香。
She breathed deeply, savouring the silence. 她深深地吸了口气,细细品味着这宁静。
Leaving London for me, is like savouring the last sip of wine at the end of this party, still warm with excitement, but already tempered with a little sadness. 离任就像是席末杯中的那最后一口酒,甘醇中已经有了些许的苦涩。
Now the exams are over, I'm savouring my freedom. 因为考试结束了,我现在自由自在了。
However, to do that requires savouring the journey along the passage of time, not just making as many stops along the way as possible. 然而,好好利用,需要我们在时间的长廊里细细品味人生旅程,而不只是沿途停靠尽可能多的站点。
Heyward began savouring the sweetness to come. 海沃德开始品尝那即将到来的甜蜜。
You spend your first couple of Saturday afternoons ambling round among dusty shelves, savouring a page or a chapter as you please, or fingering the piles of oddments that litter counters or tables. 最初的几个周六下午,你会在积灰的货架之间来回踱步,随心地细细品读一页或一章,或者翻动胡乱堆在角落里和桌子上的小东西。
In order to find out how institutional investors were savouring their victories, I travelled to Rio de Janeiro last week to attend the annual conference of the international corporate governance network. 为了探究机构投资者如何“品味”自己的胜利,上上周我专程赶赴里约热内卢参加在那里举行的国际公司治理网络(icgn)年度会议。
If my taste for living fades, my photos pale, because taking pictures is savouring life intensively, every hundredth of a second. 如果我丧失了对生活的鉴赏力,那我的照片也会随之黯淡。因为摄影就是去深刻地品味人生,品味每个百分之一秒的瞬间。
He was leaning back in a comfortable armchair and savouring the brandy. 他舒舒服服地靠在一张扶手椅上,细品着白兰地。
In this instance, and perhaps for the mere joy or savouring the possibility, we will assume that the Spurs hurdle will not prove to be an insurmountable and that somewhere along the way; 在这种情况下,也许是仅仅娱乐下,我们假设热刺不是个难过的坎等等之类的;
He sipped some water from a bowl then stood for a moment, savouring it. 他从一只碗里吸了口水,然后站了一会儿,细细品味。
She drank the wine slowly, savouring every drop. 她慢慢地喝着酒,仔细品尝每一滴。
Fortunately our savouring is not so tall, we also do not love to install dark, the word nature that speak and blueness of mostly literary anger kind different. 幸好我们的品味不是那么高,我们也不爱装深沉,说出的话自然和大多文艺愤青类不同了。
It found the mice that had to work harder for their low-calorie rewards were more likely to keep licking their lips and savouring it. 结果发现,那些不得不勤劳努力以换取低热量食物的老鼠不停地舔舐自己的嘴唇来品尝食物,(表示食物很美味)。
While a certain amount of novelty can certainly be valuable, there are other goods – simplicity, contentment and the savouring of small everyday pleasures. 当然,一定程度的新奇感会是有价值的,但生活中还有别的美好事物&简单、满足感、对日常小乐趣的玩味。
There isn't one player I'm particularly looking forward to facing, I'm just looking forward to being a part of it all and savouring the atmosphere in both games. 我想会的朋友不仅这1个,我很期待成为这场比赛的一部分,体验比赛的气氛。
Even if a certain amount of comparison is natural and unavoidable, we can create more balance by focusing on what we are content with, savouring small things, engaging in activities we enjoy for their own sake, and seeking non-competitive social interactions. 即便某种程度的攀比是自然而不可避免的,我们也能够通过专注于自己满意的事、充分品味“小事”的乐趣、出于兴趣参与某些活动、以及寻找非竞争性的社交活动,来创造更多平衡。
Prose appreciation asks for tapping the spirit, grasping the clue, sensing the image, savouring the emotion, tasting the words and sentences and following the style. 欣赏散文要形中求神,把握线索;要感受意境,体味情感;要品味语言,了解风格。