Grass fires have seared the land near the farming village of Basekhai. 草地野火烧焦了巴斯克亥农庄附近的土地。
Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 这是因为说谎之人的假冒。这等人的良心,如同被热铁烙惯了一般。
This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. 这一重要的法令的来到,对于那些被封闭在毁灭性的不公正的成千上万的黑人奴隶来说,就好像伟大的指路灯所指引的希望。
Traumatic events, such as the9/ 11 terrorist attacks, also tend to become seared in children's memories. 9?11恐怖袭击这样的创伤性事件往往也会给儿童记忆留下烙印。
Our citizens, seared by the memory of those we have lost, know too well the price that is paid for liberty. 我们的公民依然铭记着那些阵亡者,他们非常清楚我们为自由付出的代价。
And we must needs say, it seared Hester's bosom so deeply, that perhaps there was more truth in the rumour than our modern incredulity may be inclined to admit. 而我们应该说,那红字深深烙进海丝特的胸膛,因此在那个传说中包含着比我们如今将信将疑的更多的真理。
The menu evolves with the seasons and might feature seared scallops or slow-roasted salt-grass lamb from Flinders Island, off Tasmania's northern coast, where blustery weather deposits salt on pastures. 餐厅菜单会根据季节进行调整,客人们有机会品尝到烤扇贝、来自北岸边上弗林德斯岛(FlindersIsland)的烤盐草羔羊肉,那里的大风天气使盐沉积到了草地上。
( Raw, Marquis said, they taste like unsweetened condensed milk; seared in hot sand, they crisp up nicely.) Throughout, Marquis tried to minimize human contact. (她说这种虫子生吃的味道有点像不加糖的炼乳,如果在滚热的沙子上烤过之后这些虫子就会变得酥脆可口。)自始自终,马奎斯都尽量减少与人类的联系。
Now, researchers have found that aspirin may reduce the cancer-causing effects of flame-broiled foods in women who eat the seared meats often. 现在,研究人员已经找到,阿司匹林对于喜食这种烤肉的妇女可能减弱熏烤食物引起的致癌效应。
The kind of sweet, seared deeply into the hearts of my childhood has come to think fresh. 那种甜蜜,深深地烙在我童年的心坎上,至今想来,记忆犹新。
Our specials this evening are Fresh Crispy Calamari and Seared Hawaiian Ahi Tuna. 我们今晚的特价餐是鲜酥章鱼和煎封夏威夷Ahi鲔鱼排。
The terrible experience is seared into my memory. 那次可怕的经历铭刻在我的记忆中。
You were seared by us. 你们被我们吓住了。
The second course is another appetiser, quickly seared scallops with a sauce of beets, chives, citrus and tiny bits of cocoa beans. 第二道菜是另一个开胃菜,幼嫩的扇贝配沙司,沙司中有甜菜根,细香葱,柑橘果和细碎的可可豆。
It is easy for me to be so, for every event of that dreadful time is seared into my memory. 那很容易做到,因为那可怖的时刻的每个事件都铭刻在我记忆中。
Then, with a Bunsen burner, the surface is thoroughly seared. 然后,用本生灯彻底烧灼表面。
The excruciating pain and harrowing guilt seared into your time holograms from that era will be shifted, but you must in micro and macro make it so. 从那时代所烙印到时间全息图中难以忍受的痛苦和罪疚将被移除,但你必须在微观和宏观上让它成为那样。
Though the icy night air seared his face, he didn't feel cold but invigorated. 晚间的冷气削着他的脸,他不觉得冷,反倒痛快。
His soul has been seared by injustice. 不公道使他的灵魂变得槁木死灰。
The tragedy must have seared his mind. 这件悲惨的事使他变得冷酷无情。
She seared her hand on the hot iron. 她的手被热熨斗烫伤。
She seared her hand on the hot iron [ with the boiling water]. 她的手被热熨斗[沸水]烫伤。
O life with the sad seared face. 人生,你满脸的忧愁与干枯。
The cruel man must have a seared conscience. 那残酷的人有个已变得槁木死灰的良心。
So I seared for English movies with English caption tonight. 因此,今天晚上,我搜索了带英文字幕的英语电影。
Chickens have their sensitive beaks seared off with a hot blade, and male cattle and pigs are castrated without any painkillers. 布满敏感神经的鸡喙会被滚烫的刀刃切割,雄性的牛和猪会在完全没有麻醉的情况下被阉割。
Seared beef with parmesan, garlic croutons, rocket and poached quail eggs. 煎牛肉配芝士,蒜味面包粒,生菜及水煮鹌鹑蛋。
Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. 这等人的良心,如同被热铁烙惯了一般。
He seared his hand on a hot steam pipe. 灼热的蒸汽管烫伤了他的手。