只顾自己的;自我专注的 Someone who is self-absorbed thinks so much about things concerning themselves that they do not notice other people or the things around them.
Those who suffer from narcissism become self-absorbed or chronic show-offs. 被自恋症折磨的人会变得只专注于自己的事情,或者不断地自我炫耀。
Though self-absorbed celebrities are splayed over the front covers of the magazine rack, most men dont find narcissists all that appealing. 尽管那些自我陶醉的名人们频繁出现在杂志封面,大部分男人也不会觉得她们有多迷人。
Generally speaking, the unhappiest people you will ever meet will be those who are utterly self-absorbed; the happiest people you will ever meet will be those who lose themselves in the joy and challenge of helping others. 通常,你见到的最不开心的人都是那些以自我为中心的人;最快乐的人都是放弃自己的快乐并帮助他人的人。
Eg. fame and wealth went to his head, and the singer became arrogant and self-absorbed. 名气和财富让这位歌手过度的骄傲他变的傲慢又自私。
Everyone is self-absorbed to some extent, but when a person is always focused on herself and never lets you share anything about yourself, something needs to give. 从某种程度来说,每个人都是自恋的,但是当一个人总是以自我为中心,从不让你分享你自己的任何事情,某些需要交流的事情。
You're very self-absorbed, jack. god, divert yourself. 你太专注了,你该转移注意力。
In this regard East Asian students are among the most clueless: too often incurious and self-absorbed, they are notoriously out of touch with American society, and also slow to form advocacy groups. 但东亚的学生在这方面最没办法:他们往往缺少好奇心,一心只忙自己的事;他们与美国社会缺少接触则是众所周知的,同时也不善于组织团体来宣传。
The public's interest in this self-absorbed but powerful family is still strong. 公众对这个只顾自身利益却很有权势的家庭仍然抱有强烈的兴趣。
My relationship with God brings a real sense of balance and keeps me from being self-absorbed. 与上帝的关系带来了真正平衡的感觉,使我不再过于关注自我。
It is no surprise if they believe that the key to business success is to be emotionally stunted, self-absorbed, callous, disloyal and otherwise thoroughly unpleasant. 如果他们认为,在职场上获得成功的关键是情感扭曲、自私自利、冷酷无情、不守信义、或是彻头彻尾的招人讨厌,我并不会感到奇怪。
She's very self-absorbed, you know. I should never have married her. 她从来都是自行其事的,早知道我就不娶她了。
Having become self-absorbed persons, the brothers did not associate much with the villagers. 这两兄弟变成了自我中心的人,和村里的人都融洽。
Your peers may perceive you as vain and self-absorbed if they see you in expensive, eye-catching jewelries. 如果你的同事们看见你戴着昂贵的、招人眼目的珠宝,就可能认为你虚荣而专注自我。
I have always been aware that I am by nature self-absorbed and egoistical; 一直以来,我也意识到我会自然而然地以自我为中心。
He's too self-absorbed to care about us. 他只顾自己,不关心我们。
Perhaps film suits him better than fine arts, which are more introspective and self-absorbed. 或许,对于孤芳自赏的美术来说,电影更适合他。
Single children are always intensely self-absorbed. 独生子女总是极度自我专注。
You're not gonna get self-absorbed and mopey? 你没有因此变得过于自我陶醉而且消沉?
But you don` t keep it because you` re self-absorbed. 但是你没有维持,因为你自我主义。
By contrast, less-happy people are more apt to be defensive, isolated, and self-absorbed, and unfortunately, their negative moods are catching ( technical name: emotional contagion). 形成对比地是,较不快乐的人更倾向于防御、孤立、自我沉醉,而且不幸地是,他们消极的情绪有传给别人的能力(术语:情绪传染)。
Even if we come close, their facial features remain self-absorbed, with barely an expression. 即使我们靠近前去,他们的面部特征也是自我专注的,很少有表情。
The self-absorbed dose contribution of alpha-emitter with high linear energy transfer is much higher than auger electron emitter and beta emitter. 高传能线密度的α核素在细胞靶区内的自吸收剂量贡献远远大于俄歇电子核素,更大于低传能线密度的β核素。
'The pursuit of self-absorbed and the final brew sad fruit'. 追求自我而终酿悲果。