ADJ-GRADED 追逐私利的;只顾自己的 If you describe someone as self-seeking, you disapprove of them because they are interested only in doing things which give them an advantage over other people.
He said that democracy would open the way for self-seeking politicians to abuse the situation. 他说民主会为追逐私利的政客大开方便之门,使他们趁机以公谋私。
He said that democracy would open the way for self-seeking politicians to abuse the situation. 他说民主会为追逐私利的政客大开方便之门,使他们趁机以公谋私。
The first half of this mental shift is to stop thinking immature thoughts, which are self-centered and self-seeking. 这可以分为两部分:第一部分是停止不成熟,即自私自利的想法。
Beware of self-seeking people who are only interested in your money. 当心追逐私利者,他们只在乎你的钱。
But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. 惟有结党不顺从真理,反顺从不义的,就以忿怒恼恨报应他们。
But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. 你们心里若怀着苦毒的嫉妒和分争,就不可自夸,也不可说谎话抵挡真道。
The article accused seniou officials of self-seeking and arrogance. 文章指责高级官员追求私利、狂妄自大。
Analysis on crime of engaging in self-seeking misconduct& The empirical analysis on the case 徇私枉法罪的司法认定&以一起案例的实证分析为视角
I consider that your error stems from your self-seeking and is of an extremely serious nature; that is to say, your order serves the interest of the enemy. 我认为你的这个错误,是由于你的私心而产生的,带着非常严重的性质,这就是说,你的命令有利于敌人。
So pay attention to Chinese traditional thinking within the self-seeking center of gravity technique: "rectifying the mind, regulate the family, country and the world." 所以中国传统思维注重内向自求,重心术:“正心、修身、齐家、治国、平天下。”
"Flesh is weak" is an example, where the "heart" should be interpreted as "self-seeking desire for power"; “心有余而力不足”就是例证,其中“心”应释为“自我权欲追求”;
Most of her colleagues are intolerant, self-seeking and shallow. 她的多数同事偏执、自私和浅薄。
He is self-seeking rather selfless. 他是自私自利而不是忘我的。
Showing a fighting disposition without self-seeking. 表现出一种没有私虑的斗争倾向。
Fair, not self-seeking and with initiative on work. 不谋私利,办事公正,工作积极主动;
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it is keep no record of wrong. 它不是粗鲁,不是自私,需要包容,不重复对方犯得错误。
He is driven by ambition and self-seeking. 他受野心和自私所驱使。
Low and grovelling thoughts of God must be given up; doubting and despairing must be removed; and self-seeking and carnal delights must be forsaken. 我们必须离弃卑贱低下的恩想,必须挪去怀疑悲观的意念,也必须抛除自我追求和属世的享乐。
The army felt that the politicians of the day were just self-seeking opportunists. 军队觉得台上的政客们仅仅是追求私利的机会主义者。
Now at Bordeaux came the fateful moment in the career of this ambitious, self-seeking, and capable admiral. 现在在波尔多,这位野心勃勃,自私自利的能干的海军上将一生事业的紧要关头到来了。
These views were grounded in alternative secular religions: the former in the view that individual self-seeking behaviour guaranteed a stable economic order; the latter in the idea that the identical motivation could lead only to exploitation, instability and crisis. 这些观点基于完全对立的世俗信仰:前者认为个人追逐私利的行为保证了经济秩序的稳定;后者认为同样的动机只会导致剥削、动荡和危机。
The Identification of Malpractice Offense of Self-seeking Misconduct 徇私舞弊型渎职犯罪的罪数认定
Dreiser chose this theme not simply to caution the readers that the American Dream was only an illusion but to suggest his failure in self-seeking. 德莱塞选择这个主题不仅想告诫读者美国梦是一个幻想而且也暗示了德莱塞在个人追求过程中的失败。
This article tries to reveal the growth of Zhang Jie's women's self-consciousness by analyzing the changing process of her true love and ideal and the journey of female's self-seeking. 本文分析了张洁真爱理想的演变过程、女性自我的寻找历程,试图梳理出张洁女性意识的变化成长。
Crime Subject of Engaging in Self-seeking Misconduct in Objectivism 从客观主义的立场探讨徇私枉法罪主体
His poems mainly express his personal feelings and the major ideological content includes: criticizing realism and sympathizing the people, happy-go-lucky and harmonious thoughts, official pain and self-seeking, taking warning from history and moral judgement. 司马光的诗歌内容主要侧重于抒发个人的情怀,他的诗歌所反映的主要思想内容有:批判现实与同情人民,乐天知命与中和适意,仕宦之痛与自我追求,以史为鉴与道德评判等。
By the combination of theoretical analysis, empirical research, and design practice, complete the subject of mobile application development for the tour pal based on LBS for technical support, provides the way to self-seeking method of the tour pal outdoor activities. 通过理论分析、实证研究、设计实践相结合的方式,完成以LBS为技术支持的驴友移动应用开发课题,为驴友户外驴行的自我寻求方法提供了实现途径。