雪橇 a vehicle for travelling over snow and ice, with long narrow strips of wood or metal instead of wheels. Larger sledges are pulled by horses or dogs and smaller ones are used for going down hills as a sport or for pleasure.
乘雪橇 to ride on a sledge / sled
We were hoping we could go sledging . 我们本来希望能去乘雪橇。
She travelled 14,000 miles by sledge across Siberia to Kamchatka. 她乘雪橇穿越西伯利亚到达了堪察加半岛,行程共1.4万英里。
Our hill is marvellous for sledging and we always have snow in January. 在我们的那座小山上滑雪橇最棒了,而且1月我们那里总会下雪。
It would be worse than beating an anvil with a sledge hammer. 那还不如用大铁锤打铁砧。
Said Edmund. When he had first got on to the sledge he had been afraid that she might drive away with him to some unknown place from which he would not be able to get back; but he had forgotten about that fear now. 他刚坐上雪橇时,担心她会把他带到一个非常陌生的地方去,他将永远回不来了,可是现在,他的这种担心已被抛到了九霄云外。
On the sledge, driving the reindeer, sat a fat dwarf who would have been about three feet high if he had been standing. 坐在雪橇上赶鹿的是个肥胖的小妖,如果他站直了的话,大约只有三英尺高。
'I'll show you!' he cried, and went to get a heavy club from the sledge. 我得教训教训你!他嚷着,从雪撬上取了一根沉重的木棍。
The dogs pulled as hard as they could, but the sledge did not move. 狗使出全身的力气拉,但雪撬纹丝未动。
My sledge was broken, and I lost my dogs. 我的雪橇毁了,狗也都丢了。
So they pulled their sledge twenty-four kilometres without skis. 于是,他们没穿滑雪板拉雪橇走了24公里。
Trekking through the snow pulling a sledge. 拖着雪橇在雪地里跋涉的人。
Italy participated in ice sledge hockey for the first time. 意大利首次参加雪橇冰棍球的比赛。
Well, a sledge sliding on flat ice. 我们再来看下雪橇在光滑冰面上滑行的例子。
Ok we got a problem here, I mean the sledge, its seems fine, right? 问题来了,我指的是雪橇,那看起来很正常,对吧?
What requires explanation is not why this sledge keeps going, what requires explanation why it stops? 需要解释的不是为什么雪橇继续前进,而是它为什么会停下来?
Once you stopped pushing how is it that the sledge keep going? 你都已经停止推动雪橇了但是为什么它还会前进呢?
The sled struck the tree head-on. The leading sledge went faster and faster. 雪橇迎头撞上那棵树。领头的雪橇越驰越快。
Last week there was a quarrel during a sledge drive. 上礼拜当雪车驶动时发生了一场争吵。
It was there tied to one of the white chickens, who flew along with it on his back behind the large sledge. 它已经被牢牢地系在一只白鸡上了,而这只肉鸡正背着雪橇在他们后面飞。
His grandson drove in the last sledge. 他的孙子开车,在过去爬犁。
There, he learn how to pulling the sledge in the snow day by day. 在那里,他学习如何拉雪橇在雪地里似一天。
So remember the sledge moving over the flat ice. 还记得雪橇在平滑冰面上的滑行么。
Children cut by their sledge runners. 被雪橇滑行板割伤的孩子们。
He manifested the greatest eagerness to be upon deck to watch for sledge which had before appear. 他显得迫不及待地想上甲板去,守候在那架曾露过面的雪橇。
A child pushes two women on a sledge across a frozen lake in Beijing. 一名孩童推着雪橇上的两名女性滑过北京一座结冰的湖泊。
The boy pulled his sledge up the hill. 男孩把雪撬拉上山来。
I want to be your sledge hammer! 我愿成为您的巨锤!
They could hear shouts and laughter and talk from his sledge. 可以听见他的雪橇中传来的喊声、欢笑声和化装的人们的说话声。
The front sledge could be steered by a lever on the front of the frame. 前滑板可由位于机身前部的操纵杆控制。
Buck pulled to the right, hard, stopped suddenly, and the ice under the sledge began to break. 巴克向右使劲拉了一下,突然停住,雪撬下的冰开始碎了。
The sledge gained momentum as it ran down the hill. 雪橇从山上下冲时动量越来越大。