VERB 无精打采地坐着(或站着) If someone slouches, they sit or stand with their shoulders and head bent so they look lazy and unattractive.
Try not to slouch when you are sitting down... 坐的时候尽量不要无精打采的。
She has recently begun to slouch over her typewriter. 最近,她坐在打字机前就开始变得无精打采的。
Slouch is also a noun.
He straightened himself from a slouch. 他一改刚才的无精打采,挺直了腰杆。
VERB 无精打采地走;懒洋洋地走 If someone slouches somewhere, they walk around slowly with their shoulders and head bent looking lazy or bored.
Most of the time, they slouch around in the fields... 他们绝大多数时间都无精打采地走在田间。
Scowling, the lad slouched over. 这个小家伙愁眉苦脸,一副垂头丧气的样子。
PHRASE 擅长;愿意卖力工作;手脚勤快麻利 If you say that someone is no slouch at a particular activity, you mean that they are skilful at it or are willing to work hard at it.
The Welsh are no slouches at cooking. 威尔士人在烹饪方面可是好手。
Try not to slouch when you are sitting down 坐的时候尽量不要无精打采的。
She has recently begun to slouch over her typewriter. 最近,她坐在打字机前就开始变得无精打采的。
Most of the time, they slouch around in the fields 他们绝大多数时间都无精打采地走在田间。
Scowling, the lad slouched over. 这个小家伙愁眉苦脸,一副垂头丧气的样子。
The Welsh are no slouches at cooking. 威尔士人在烹饪方面可是好手。
Motorola, is no slouch when it comes to patents and has sued back. 不过涉及到专利时,摩托罗拉公司可不是笨蛋,它已经提起过反诉了。
Alternatively, you could always slouch around with your head hung apologetically-but don't expect to impress anyone! 你可以垂头丧气,一幅懒散的样子,但你这样就不能给人留下好的印象。
See how they sit, er, I mean slouch? 看看他们的坐姿,呃,无精打采地坐在那里?
"Sitting on it requires that you don't slouch, which is great for your back and works your abdominal muscles all day long," she said. 坐在训练球上,你就没办法驼背了,一整天都可以训练背部和腹部肌肉。
If you slouch in your chair the interviewer will think you could be sloppy in your work as well. 如果你斜倚在椅子里,面试官会认为在工作上你也会拖沓松散。
While you should endeavour to maintain your femininity, once in a while let your guard down: eat like a pig, slouch around, or leave the washing up. 你应该努力保持你的女性魅力,不过偶尔也可以卸下防卫:可以像猪一样吃东西,可以随处无精打采地坐着,或者就将脏衣服留着。
Don't slouch! It's bad manners and bad for your back. 别弯腰驼背!这样没礼貌而且对你的背不好。
Brad straightened out of his usual slouch. 布拉德一改他平常无精打采的姿态而挺直了身子。
I must remember not to slouch, he thought, and I must lose fifteen pounds. I look like a fat grocer. 我得记住不可没精打采,他这样想,得设法减去十五磅体重,不然的话简直成了一个脑满肠肥的杂货铺老板。
Slouch when standing or sitting, giving an impression of laziness. 站立或坐姿显得懒散,给人一种无精打采的感觉。
Sit up straight, don't slouch. 坐直身子。小要没精打采地坐着。
If you start to slouch during a run take a deep breath and feel yourself naturally straighten. 如果您在跑步过程中身体开始下垂,做一个深呼吸,您可以感觉到您自己自然伸展。
He had a slouch, his face was red, his nose long but rather pleasing. 他戴着一顶阔软边呢帽,红红的脸,长长的鼻子长得很可爱。
Don't slouch and think of stretching yourself from your head to your toes, sitting or standing. 坐或站着的时候,不要懒散,想着从脖子到脚趾拉伸自己。
He's no slouch in the kitchen& you should try his spaghetti bolognese. 他在厨房里可是一把好手&你应该尝尝他做的意大利式肉酱面。
I was no slouch when it came to doing the housework. 要说到做家务事,我可是个勤快好手。
Why can't I slouch on those days? 为什么我也不能在那样的时候驼背?
He's certainly no slouch when it comes to repairing things. 说到修理东西时,他绝不是个无能的人。
Does he slouch or sit up? 他坐下时是懒洋洋的,还是笔直挺立?
His big slouch hat even was cocked jauntily over the bed-post. 他那边缘下垂的大帽子逍遥地歪戴在床柱子上。
You got kind of a slouch going there. 你有点懒散,袖手旁观。
And be sure not to slouch or chew gum or smoke while you're waiting for your interview. 你在等着人家接见的时候,千万不要懒洋洋的,不要嚼口香糖,不要抽烟。
Don't slouch! Stand up straight! 别没精打采的!起来站直了!
Don't get all judgmental with me. you're no slouch yourself. 别对我说三道四的,你也不是省油的灯。