A smallholding in the hills could not support a large family. 山间的一小块耕地是不可能养活一大家人的。
The former president of Uruguay lives in a one-bedroom house on a smallholding on the outskirts of the capital Monte-video. 这位乌拉圭前总统住在首都蒙得维的亚郊区一个小农场的一居室房子里。
The bomb crater, near a smallholding on the outskirts of Tripoli, was very small and there was much less collateral damage than from other bombs I have seen in recent weeks. 被炸的弹坑在靠近黎波里郊外的一个小农场,弹坑很小,与我过去几周看过的其他轰炸相比,不会造成大的附带伤害。
For thirty years she has grown strawberries and raspberries on her five-acre smallholding. 三十年来,她一直在五英亩的小片耕地上种草莓和木莓。
At the moment, I am relying on memory, on a fortuitous interest in something well outside the tiny smallholding of knowledge I've begun to cultivate. 在这个时候,我相信记忆,相信与我耕种的那块小小的知识自留地完全不搭界的即时的兴趣。
On the two theoretical issues in developing the modern agriculture and combine with the smallholding system 现代农业与小农制衔接的两个理论问题