His collection was studded with Flemish masterpieces. 他的收藏里有许多佛兰芒人的杰作。
He was whipped with a studded belt. 他被用带有饰钉的皮带抽打。
The mountains are studded with dams, any one of which could wreak destruction in the valley below. 山区到处都是大坝,其中任何一个都可能给下面的山谷带来灭顶之灾。
The garment is studded with pearls. 衣服上缀满了珠子。
The sky was studded with twinkling stars. 天上缀满了星星。
But the princess gave him a sword which was studded with gold coins, and these he could use. 但是公主送给他一这与金币镶嵌剑,而这些,他可以使用。
The back of the dress was studded with tiny silk-covered buttons. 礼服的背面还镶嵌了小小的丝质纽扣。
Meanwhile, pubs that once nourished customers with despondent sandwiches are now studded with Michelin stars. 同时,那些曾经只提供令人失望的三明治的酒吧,现在也有米其林星级认证了。
Full-grain leather upper with studded harness strap and pull tab. 全粒面牛皮靴面附带打上粉饰钉的马靴带和拉袢;
Then, performing her song, she emerged from a traditional red phone booth in a studded PVC corset with plumes on her shoulders, knee-high boots and fishnet tights. 然后,她的歌声表演,她摆脱了传统的聚氯乙烯镶嵌在她的肩膀,膝盖高的靴子和渔网袜羽毛紧身红色电话亭。
Mr Moore is a showman, and his film is studded with trademark stunts. 穆尔是一个艺人,他的电影里穿插了有很多特技。
Golden brass corners and reinforced studded edges. 金色黄铜包角,箱边以饰钉加固。
Marked by the wearing of heavy boots studded with hobnails. 以穿着钉有平头钉的笨重的靴子为显著特点的。
The sword hilt was studded with jewels. The ruby on the handle of his sword is missing. 那把剑柄镶[缀]有宝石。他剑柄上的红宝石不见了。
Scientists have shown that a flickering flame is studded with millions of tiny diamonds. 科学家发现摇曳的烛光是由有无数颗微小的钻石镶嵌而成的。
She unbuttoned her red jacket and drew out a bright gold necklace studded with glittering pearls and jewels. 解了排扣,从里面大红袄上将那珠宝晶莹黄金灿烂的璎珞掏将出来。
In the sky the stars are studded in the warm intimate velvet of the night. 天上,象天鹅绒那么温暖可亲的夜空中撒满了星星。
The windy Dakotas, if studded with twirling wind turbines, could become the Saudi Arabia of hydrogen. 如果使多风的达科他州遍布不停地转动的风力涡轮机,则该州可能会成为产氢的沙特阿拉伯。
The sky was studded with stars. 天空中缀满了星星。
He wore a belt studded with brass nails. 他系了一根饰满铜钉的带子。
He had studded the sword hilt with jewels. 他在剑柄上镶嵌了宝石。
The lawn is studded with daisies. 草坪上点缀着雏菊。
China has a coastline which is studded with islands. 中国有一个岛屿星罗棋布的海岸线。
The ring studded with a cat's eye is extremely expensive. 嵌有猫眼的戒指非常昂贵。
The incense wood is studded fixedly in the side wall and the bottom surface of the pocket respectively. 所述的香木块分别镶嵌固定在袋体侧壁和底面上。
Take a look at this bracelet. It's18K rose-gold, studded with amethyst and blue topaz. 看看这个手镯,是18K玫瑰金的,镶有水晶和蓝水晶。
The sword hilt was studded with jewels. 那把剑柄镶[缀]有宝石。
This chain bracelet is studded with diamonds. 这个手链镶满了钻石。
I look up to the sky, as if sunk-in kite to the blue sky studded with flowers. 抬头仰望着天上飘舞的风筝,仿佛给蔚蓝的天空镶嵌着朵朵鲜花。