We are not in the business of subsidising scroungers. 我们是不会资助那些乞丐的。
It's disgusting that the taxpayer is subsidising this project. 由纳税人来资助这一项目实在是说不过去。
But if oil prices keep going up, it is simply not in any country's best interest to keep subsidising these prices indefinitely. 但如果价格一直上涨,对任何国家来说,无止境地价格补贴都不是最好的。
In addition, a case can be made for subsidising the wages of the working unskilled. 除此之外,有理由对非技术工人的工资予以补贴。
As long as China persists in subsidising exports via an exchange rate pegged to the dollar it is condemned to rack up further trade surpluses that suck in yet more dollars. 只要中国继续通过盯住美元的汇率机制补贴出口,它就注定会累积更多的贸易顺差、吸纳更多的美元。
You can have as many arms export jobs as you are prepared to waste public money subsidising. 你准备在补贴方面浪费多少公共资金,就会有多少份军火出口行业的工作。
But the state has no business subsidising corporate entertainment. 但德国政府资助企业娱乐活动,实属不该。
But combining the two by subsidising renewable energy is, like many easy answers, the wrong solution. 但是,通过补偿可再生能源来把两者结合,显而易见,是不可行的。
Whether industrial policy helped or not is debatable, but governments could plausibly try to seize a dominant position in such an industry by subsidising and protecting their producers. 对于产业政策是否有所裨益,仍然存在争论,但各国政府似乎有可能通过补贴并保护其国内生产商,以求在此类行业内占据主导地位。
But critics say the packages have slowed structural reform by subsidising weak companies at the expense of stronger competitors and are a sign that relationship banking continues to thrive in Japan. 但批评人士称,上述豁免计划通过牺牲实力较强公司的利益来补贴财务状况虚弱的公司,从而延缓了结构改革的进程,同时还表明关系银行业务在日本仍然十分盛行。
A pilot project subsidising ACTs in two districts of Tanzania, funded by the Clinton Foundation, has made them more widely available, displacing other less effective therapies. 克林顿基金会资助了在坦桑尼亚的两个区进行的补贴ACTs的试验项目,它已经让这些疗法更加普及,替代了效果不好的疗法。
First, loss-socialisation lowers the funding costs of mega-banks, thereby selectively subsidising their balance sheets. 第一,将损失社会化会降低超大型银行的融资成本,从而有选择性地补贴其资产负债表。
Amazon has been subsidising shipping to help boost its sales. 亚马逊公司一直资助运输公司以帮助其增加销量。
In this case, China pre-emptively abolished a programme subsidising its wind power industry. 在这种情况下,中国主动废除了一项补贴本国风电行业的计划。
Schools in Tokyo began subsidising lunches in 1914. 东京的学校于1914年开始实行午餐补贴。
Too often, the international bureaucrats managing these programmes believe they can buy change but instead end up subsidising a failed status quo. 管理这些计划的国际官员们常常认为,他们能通过砸钱来实现改革,但最终结果都是补贴了难以为继的现状。
In marked contrast to subsidising a canteen, which has real social and cultural value, subsidising a gym has almost none, irrespective of whatever "wellness" programmes you think it serves. 与补贴食堂这件真正具有社会和文化价值的事情形成鲜明对比的是,补贴健身卡几乎没有任何意义,不管你认为这有利于什么“健康”计划。
Northern Europe in effect has been subsidising southern European consumption from the onset of the euro on January 1 1999. 欧洲北部国家实际上从1999年1月1日欧元诞生之日起,就一直在为南欧国家的消费提供着补贴。
The funds and they can be loans in many cases, due to the innate wealth of Arab countries should be concentrated on those countries that are turning the corner, rather than subsidising the survival of regimes in countries such as Yemen and Syria. 资金由于阿拉伯国家先天富有,在很多情况下都可以是贷款应重点给予那些正转危为安的国家,而不是用来维系也门和叙利亚这样的政权。
They have frequently intervened heavily to ensure a reliable domestic food supply, subsidising farmers and imposing import tariffs to prevent them being undercut when global prices are low. 它们经常在全球价格低迷时大力干预市场,通过补贴农民及征收进口税以免谷贱伤农,以保证稳定的国内食品供应。
Chinese depositors and taxpayers are subsidising the very industries that are slowly poisoning them. 中国的存款人和纳税人正是在资助那些慢慢毒害他们健康的产业。
The government was already heavily subsidising businesses that kept workers in employment. 政府已为那些没有裁员的企业提供了大笔补贴。
There is also a case for temporarily subsidising better seeds and fertilisers in places where local markets are failing to provide them: this is an example of correcting market failure. 也可以向一些地区暂时资助优良种子和化肥,往往这些是本地市场所无法提供的:这是改善市场的很好例子。
Us labour groups have long accused Beijing of unfairly subsidising its exporters. 美国劳工团体一直以来都指责中国向本国出口商提供不公平补贴。
Europe has broken its habit of subsidising airlines& with the glaring exception of Italy's support for Alitalia. 欧洲已经打破了其补贴航空业的惯例,除了与众不同的意大利给与意航的支持以外。
Another approach is subsidising new drugs, such as artemisinin-based combination therapies ( ACTs), to make all antimalarials the same price and allow patients to choose their drug. 另一个手段是对新药进行补贴,例如以青蒿素为基础的复方制剂疗法(ACTs),从而让所有抗疟药物价格相同,这样让患者可以自己选择药物。
You should go on subsidising the canteen. 你应该继续补贴公司食堂。
But it is a moot question who exactly is subsidising whom. 然而到底谁给了谁好处,这是个悬而未决的问题。
Germany has also displayed Swedish-style characteristics. Berlin encouraged companies to retain, rather than fire, workers by subsidising short-time working schemes. 德国也体现了类似于瑞典的特点,比如德国政府通过为短期工作计划提供补贴,来鼓励企业留用、而非解雇员工。
These include higher minimum grain purchase prices and subsidising purchases of durables and cars. 这些政策包括提高粮食收购的最低价格,以及对耐用品和汽车的购买提供补贴。