Developers typically access AWS from their PCs, but smartphones and tablets are quickly supplanting laptops and PCs as devices of choice for more workers, so it would make sense for AWS to turn more attention to those form factors. 开发者通常从自己的个人电脑接入亚马逊网络服务,但智能手机和平板电脑正迅速取代笔记本和台式机,成为更多人的首选设备,因此亚马逊将关注投向移动设备乃明智之举。
Such supplanting was to be. 她们是无法取代苔丝的。
And they remain in many processed foods, supplanting real ingredients like butter, lard and less processed oils. 如今,它仍然保留在很多加工食品中,替代真正的配料,如黄油、猪油,以及加工程度更低的其他油脂。
In the long run growth depends on replacing obsolete methods of production with better ones, and supplanting old industries with new ones. 长远看来,经济增长靠的是生产方式的优胜劣汰,靠的是产业结构的更新换代。
One of the reasons there has been much less controversy over the revisionist doctrine of sola Scriptura is that this doctrine has been gradually supplanting the Reformation doctrine for centuries. 其中一个原因是因为这个修正过的教义在几个世纪以来,已经取代了宗教改革的教义。
Technology is creating a global economy that is rapidly supplanting our old national economies. 技术造就了全球化经济的产生,它正迅速取代过时的国民经济。
Newly independent South Sudan is a rare example of conscription being introduced ( in the hope of supplanting private militias). 南苏丹是引入兵役制度上一个少见的例子。
Now technology is supplanting kitchen utensils. 如今,技术正在代替餐具。
The top source of new migrants to England and Wales overall for the decade was India supplanting Ireland in the decade to 2001 while the second-biggest source was Poland. 过去10年里,印度取代爱尔兰,成为整个英格兰和威尔士的第一大新移民来源(爱尔兰是2001年数据中之前10年最大的移民来源)。
"The rivaling poor Jones, and supplanting him in her affections, added another spur to his pursuit"( Henry Fielding). The term does not, however, invariably have this connotation. “对抗的可怜的琼斯,以及用她的影响取代他的位置的举动进一步刺激了他的追求”(亨利·费尔汀)。然而,这个词语并不是一成不变地只有这个涵义。
And, most immediately, are BRIC consumers currently up to the task of rebalancing the world economy by supplanting their acquisitive American counterparts? 最迫在眉睫的是,目前金砖四国的消费者能够挑起替代贪得无厌的美国消费者、推动全球经济重归平衡的重担吗?
Yet he shies away from the idea of supplanting the CCTV gala. 不过他回避要取代央视春晚的说法。
Two decades later, some are pushing for the 1980s movie to be remade with China taking the part of Japan and the G20 supplanting the G7. 20年之后,一些人正力图让上世纪80年代的影片重演,由中国扮演日本的角色,而G7则由G20来取代。
After supplanting the traditional floor trading, electronic trading has dominated in the field of securities trading. 电子交易逐渐取代传统的人工交易,成为现阶段世界各国证券交易的主导性模式。
Olympic Games related investment will brings about supplanting effect; 奥运投资造成排挤效应;
Emphases on the ethical quality of law-executors do not mean supplanting the law standard with the one of Ethics in the course of implementation, but mean the requirement of ethics. 强调执法者的道德素质,并不意味着在执法过程中可以用道德标准取代法律标准,而是基于执法的道德要求。