Uncle Sebastian used to tease Mother and Daddy unmercifully that all they could produce was girls. 塞巴斯蒂安叔叔过去常无情地嘲讽爸爸和妈妈,说他们只会生女儿。
He teased a child unmercifully. 他无情地撮弄一个孩子。
One day, feeling exceptionally sad and lonely, she was walking through a meadow when she noticed a small butterfly caught unmercifully in a thornbush. 有一天,感觉非常悲伤和孤独,当她步行经过一个草地时,她注意到了一个小蝴蝶陷入了无情的荆棘。
Pointing at rick, we teased him unmercifully. 我们指着里克,毫不留情地挖苦他。
Kwame Brown was booed unmercifully by the home crowd in last Thursday's loss to the Suns that snapped their seven-game winning streak. 布朗在上周四主场输给太阳的比赛中遭到了主场球迷的嘘声,湖人也因此结束了7连胜。
He gave me the needle unmercifully. 他毫不留情地奚落了我一番。
He reviled his opponent unmercifully. 他无情地辱骂了他的对手。
A total stranger had been bullied unmercifully into driving her home. 一个完全陌生的人被残忍地恐吓得只得同意开车把她送回家。
At the outset of treatment, a couple played the game in an unmercifully competitive way with tremendous losses for both. 在理疗之初,夫妻玩儿了一个残酷的竞争性游戏,结果双方损伤惨重。