Her resolve, however, had been taken, and it seemed vacillating even to childishness to abandon it now, unless for graver reasons. 不过她早已下了决心,而且现在不去了,也似乎显得有些像小孩子一样犹豫不决了,除非有重要的理由才能回去。
Such hirelings and the middle elements vacillating between labour and capital are to be found in trade unions everywhere, and in the struggle we must educate and win over the middle elements, whereas those hirelings guilty of serious crimes should be expelled. 各地工会均发生此种走狗及动摇于劳资之间的中间分子,我们必须在斗争中教育并争取中间分子,对于有严重罪行的资本家走狗则予以开除。
A vacillating person finds it hard to make up his mind. 优柔寡断的人不容易下定决心。
Modern character is inconstant, divided, vacillating. 现代人的个性是无常的,分裂的,摇摆不定的。
The voters are vacillating between the two candidates. 选民在两个候选人之间举棋不定。
There are three kinds of patriotism, genuine patriotism, sham patriotism, and half-genuine and half-sham, vacillating, patriotism. 爱国主义有三种:一种是真爱国主义,一种是假爱国主义,一种是半真半假、动摇的爱国主义。
Owing to the loss of big cities and the hardships of war, vacillating elements within our ranks will clamour for compromise, and pessimism will grow to a serious extent. 我们内部,因大城市的丧失和战争的困难,动摇分子将大倡其妥协论,悲观情绪将严重地增长。
The two-part statement looked vacillating. 分成两部分的声明看起来有些畏畏缩缩。
Total gloom and foolish optimism-these are the moods between which I keep vacillating. 要么万分沮丧,要么盲目乐观,我一直在这两种心情之间摇摆不定。
Vacillating elements are the third kind, they are half-genuine and half-sham in their patriotism, and shift and switch as the trend changes. 还有一种,是动摇分子,半真半假,看势办事。
The piling up of conditions and reservations, though a mark of subtlety, makes him seem vacillating and weak. 他会把种种条件和限制堆砌在一起,尽管这样讲话标志着他的细腻敏锐,但也使他显得优柔寡断、软弱无力。
This is risky for the government, which will be accused of vacillating or even caving in to foreign pressure. 对孟加拉国政府而言,这是存有风险的,孟加拉国政府可能会被指责行事优柔寡断,甚至屈服于外国压力。
Wanting an autumn at the gold is also the rice wave is vacillating, the one gold bumper harvest prospects, the cool breeze comes accidentally, the rice valley of full nose is pure fragrance. 要在金秋,更是稻浪翻滚,一片金灿灿丰收景象,凉风偶来,满鼻子的稻谷清香。
The joint naval exercise will calm nerves in Seoul, where continued postponement of the exercise raised questions about whether Washington was vacillating under pressure from China. 联合海上军演将安抚首尔方面的神经,演习一再推迟曾令韩国某些人士质疑美方是否在中国压力之下举棋不定。
Many of them are already collaborators, many have become or are ready to become pro-japanese, many are vacillating, and only a few, owing to special circumstances, are firmly anti-japanese. 他们中间,许多人已经是汉奸,许多人已经是亲日派,许多人是准备作亲日派,许多人在动摇中,仅仅个别有特殊情况的分子是坚决的。
A hypothalamic tumor could cause a vacillating temperature. 下丘脑的肿瘤可能导致体温波动。
Theirs is a vacillating attitude. 他们的态度是游移的。
The vacillating behaviour of the parliamentary party. 议会党派犹豫不决的行为。
As a vacillating class, the national bourgeoisie has a-thousand and one links with imperialism and feudalism. 民族资产阶级是动摇的,它同帝国主义、封建主义有千丝万缕的联系。
The lack of opportunity is ever the excuse of a weak, vacillating mind. 缺乏机会,向来都是胆小懦弱和优柔寡断者的借口。
In pursuit of pleasure, not only the mundane people react extremely according to their likes and dislikes, but they also cannot stop themselves from vacillating between the two. 世俗之人经常在追求欢乐,他们习惯对迷人与讨厌的事物,做出极端的反应,并且一直在这两端之间,来回摆荡,无法止息。
Both CEOs deserve immense blame Ballmer for vacillating; Yang for running a public company without the foremost regard for shareholders. 两位首席执行官都应受到严厉谴责鲍尔默是因为犹豫不决;杨致远则是在管理上市公司时未能将股东利益放在首位。
Watch daytime news on CNN and you can't avoid the vacillating Dow Jones industrial average in the corner of your screen. 收看CNN白天的新闻,你一定会看到屏幕边上变化的道琼斯指数。
Five thousand years of Chinese diplomatic history suggest it is more likely to respect a strong state than a weak and vacillating one. 中国五千年的外交史表明,它更可能尊重一个强国而不是一个孱弱和摇摆不定的国家。
Thus we find him caught in the horrible slaughterhouse at Shanghai in1937, unwilling to retreat, unable to come to a decision and vacillating so long that he lost the flower of his army. 一九三七年淞沪之役,他不愿后撤,长期犹豫不决,举棋不定,以致遭到惨重损失,断送了他最精锐的部队。
The criticism should be directed mainly against the vacillating well-to-do middle peasants whose capitalist ideas should be struggled against by arguing things out. 其中的主要锋芒是向着动摇的富裕中农,对他们的资本主义思想进行一次说理斗争。
Vacillating elements and reluctant followers among the reactionaries should be dealt with leniently. 对于反动派中的动摇分子和胁从分子,应有宽大的处理。
Changes in the Swedish foreign policy find expression in vacillating on neutrality and being eager to seek for EC membership; 瑞典新政府对外政策的变化主要表现在:声言放弃中立,积极谋求加入欧共体;
All the national and international factors have shaped the vacillating attitude of its policy towards the Jews. 由于特定的国内和国际因素,70多年苏联政府对犹政策经历了左右摇摆的变化过程,犹太人问题成为这个多民族国家尖锐而敏感的民族问题之一。
People are limited and rational to the effective way which realizes one's own intention and equalization point in vacillating now to the left, now to the right in thinking and behaviour. 人是有限理性的人,人的知识和智慧的稀缺性导致了人在思维和行为上总是试图在左右摇摆中寻找到实现自身意愿的有效途径和平衡点。