The dog was biting, growling and wagging its tail. 那条狗在一边撕咬一边低声吼叫,尾巴也跟着摇摆。
Past TV deals have seen the tail wagging the dog. Now football clubs feel they are equal partners with TV. 以往和电视台的交易中,足球俱乐部就已经有过喧宾夺主的记录。现在,他们更是觉得可以和电视台平起平坐了。
What set tongues wagging was the age difference between the two partners. 这对伴侣年龄上的差异招来了不少闲话。
The little dog ran off wagging its tail. 小狗摇着尾巴跑了。
Tail up and wagging is a sign of friendliness, playfulness, anticipation and excitement; 尾巴向上翘并摇摆是友好、玩耍、期待和兴奋的表示;
Of all a dog'body language, the most conspicuous is the wagging of its tail. 在狗的所有形体语言中,最明显的一种莫过于尾巴的摇摆了。
When she's wagging it low, she's worried or feeling insecure about something. 如果她的尾巴摇得很低,她就是在担心什么,或者是没有安全感。
Birds can become 'nervous'-if their tails are wagging like a dog's, you should pay attention, Shen Zhijun tells the paper. 沈志军告诉《现代快报》,鸟类会变得紧张。如果它们的尾巴像狗一样摆动,就要加以注意了。
We should keep the tail from wagging the dog to deal with all the things. 我们在处理任何事情的时候都要记得顾全大局。
Are you wagging your finger in front of their face when speaking to them? 当你和他们说话的时候是否在他们面前晃手指?
A dog indicates his feelings by growling, barking, or wagging his tail. 狗用咆哮、吠叫或摆尾表达感情。
The dog ran toward me wagging its tail. 那条狗摇着尾巴朝我跑来。
The wagging dance of the honey bee, therefore, did show the direction of a feeding place. 由此看来,蜜蜂的摆尾舞的确表明了喂食处的方向。
The dog ran out with its tail wagging madly. 狗跑了出来,疯狂地摆着尾巴。
The puppy started wagging his tail when I approached. 我走近他时,小狗开始摇尾巴。
But there was lots of tail wagging, tongue lolling and contented purring when these models got together. 但每当这些宠物模特们聚在一起时,你就会看到他们高兴的摇尾巴,或者彼此之间发出满足的呜呜的声。
I usually demonstrate to my students how silly it looks to run to meet the ball with the racket wagging behind. 我常常证明给我的学生看,在跑动迎击球的过程中拍子在身后摇摆的样子是多么的愚蠢。
The number of wagging dances per minute told the exact distance to the feeding place. 每分钟摆尾舞的次数表明了到喂食处的精确距离。
Thedancer ran in a straight line, wagging from side to side. 跳舞的蜜蜂沿着直线跑,边跑边左右摇摆。
Wagging his finger sternly, he told them never to go into the attic again. 他严肃地摇了摇指头,告诉他们再也不要进入阁楼。
It was also apparent that the wagging dance, where the bees moved sideways, sent another message. 这也是非常明显的,蜜蜂向两侧摇动的摇尾舞,传递了另外一个信号。
"The dog wagging his tail, replied," Oh, master! “狗摇着尾巴说:”哦,我的主人!
However, wagging a finger at Beijing is remarkably ineffective, as the Obama administration has found. 不过,对北京指手画脚明显是没有效果的,奥巴马政府就已经发现了这一点。
His dog waited, making happy little barks and wagging his tail. 他的狗等着,一边发出微弱的欢叫,一边摇着尾巴。
Our dog gave a loud bark and rushed to the door, wagging her tail. 我们的狗大叫一声冲到门口,摇摇尾巴。
The long pole was wagging about in the breeze. 长杆在微风中摇晃着。
It's a depressing environment to work in and a typical case of the tail wagging the dog. 这种工作环境使人觉得很压抑,真是一个主次颠倒的典型事例。
She repeats this often, her finger wagging in the air. 当她重复这个时候,手指在空中摇摆。
The dog rushed at me, wagging its tail. 那狗摇晃着尾巴朝我奔来。