
英 [teɪl] 美 [teɪl]

n.  尾; 尾巴; 有…尾巴的; 尾部; 后部
v.  跟踪; 尾随; 盯梢



Oxford 3000 / Collins.3 / BNC.2604 / COCA.2985



    鸟;兽;鱼 of bird/animal/fish

  1. 尾;尾巴
    the part that sticks out and can be moved at the back of the body of a bird, an animal or a fish
    1. The dog ran up, wagging its tail.
    2. The male has beautiful tail feathers.
  2. 有…尾巴 -tailed

  3. 有…尾巴的
    having the type of tail mentioned
    1. a white-tailed eagle
  4. 飞机;宇宙飞船 of plane/spacecraft

  5. 尾部;后部
    the back part of a plane, spacecraft , etc.
    1. the tail wing
  6. 后部;末尾 back/end of sth

  7. 尾状后部;尾状物
    a part of sth that sticks out at the back like a tail
    1. the tail of a kite
  8. (离去事物的)末尾部分
    the last part of sth that is moving away from you
    1. the tail of the procession
  9. 上衣 jacket

  10. 燕尾服;男子晚礼服
    a long jacket divided at the back below the waist into two pieces that become narrower at the bottom, worn by men at very formal events
    1. The men all wore top hat and tails.
  11. 硬币的面 side of coin

  12. 硬币反面,硬币文面(没有头像的一面)
    the side of a coin that does not have a picture of the head of a person on it, used as one choice when a coin is tossed to decide sth
    1. 跟踪者 person who follows sb

    2. 盯梢人;暗探
      a person who is sent to follow sb secretly and find out information about where that person goes, what they do, etc.
      1. The police have put a tail on him .


    1. 跟踪;尾随;盯梢
      to follow sb closely, especially in order to watch where they go and what they do
      1. A private detective had been tailing them for several weeks.


    1. N-COUNT 尾;尾巴
      The tail of an animal, bird, or fish is the part extending beyond the end of its body.
      1. The cattle were swinging their tails to disperse the flies.
      2. ...a black dog with a long tail.
    2. N-COUNT (尤指细长物体的)尾部,末端
      You can use tail to refer to the end or back of something, especially something long and thin.
      1. ...the horizontal stabilizer bar on the plane's tail...
      2. Elsie tugged her husband's coat tail.
      3. ...a comet tail.
    3. (男子的)燕尾服,晚礼服
      If a man is wearing tails, he is wearing a formal jacket which has two long pieces hanging down at the back.
      1. VERB 跟踪;盯梢;尾随
        To tail someone means to follow close behind them and watch where they go and what they do.
        1. Officers had tailed the gang from London during a major undercover inquiry...
        2. He trusted her so little that he had her tailed.
      2. N-COUNT 盯梢者;跟踪者
        A tail is someone who is paid to watch and to follow another person.
        1. He checked behind. No tail.
      3. (硬币的)反面
        If you toss a coin and it comes down tails, you can see the side of it that does not have a picture of a head on it.
        1. PHRASE 主次颠倒;喧宾夺主
          If you say that the tail is wagging the dog, you mean that a small or unimportant part of something is becoming too important and is controlling the whole thing.
          1. Past TV deals have seen the tail wagging the dog. Now football clubs feel they are equal partners with TV.
        2. PHRASE (由于失败或羞愧)夹着尾巴,垂头丧气
          If you say that you have your tail between your legs, you are emphasizing that you feel defeated and ashamed.
          1. His team retreated last night with tails tucked firmly between their legs.
        3. PHRASE 掉头逃跑;转身逃走
          If you turn tail, you turn and run away.
          1. I turned tail and fled in the direction of the main house.
        4. cannot make head or tail of something → see: head


        1. It has a short stumpy tail covered with bristles.
        2. The poster showed a caricature of Hitler with a devil's horns and tail
        3. At some date in the 1990s British oil production will probably tail off.
        4. The dog was biting, growling and wagging its tail.
        5. I couldn't make head nor tail of the damn film.
        6. My cat hissed when I stepped on its tail
        7. When in danger, the anteater lashes its tail round a branch
        8. They tried to get the harpoon into the ray before the sting tail came lashing over to retaliate
        9. Don't go near that lashing tail.
        10. The boys wore black tail coats in mourning for George III.
        11. At hearing his name spoken, the dog gave a responsive wag of his tail.
        12. The brown rat has prominent ears and a long scaly tail.
        13. The tail feathers are dark blue at their bases, shading to pale blue at their tips.
        14. The bird was enclosed in such a small space that it could not turn without bending its tail
        15. The cattle were swinging their tails to disperse the flies.
        16. Elsie tugged her husband's coat tail.
        17. Officers had tailed the gang from London during a major undercover inquiry
        18. He trusted her so little that he had her tailed.
        19. He checked behind. No tail.
        20. Past TV deals have seen the tail wagging the dog. Now football clubs feel they are equal partners with TV.
        21. His team retreated last night with tails tucked firmly between their legs.
        22. I turned tail and fled in the direction of the main house.
        23. This is the tail end of the season.
        24. The drug's effect does not tail off after it has been used repeatedly.
        25. As so often happens, this little story has a twist in the tail.
        26. His corporate's life will be as short as a rabbit's tail.
        27. The peacock spreads his splendid tail.
        28. A fox cannot hide its tail.
        29. The little dog ran off wagging its tail.


          follow hunt tail【导航词义:跟随,跟踪】

          follow v. 跟随,跟着


        The children followed their mother to the kitchen.
        Those guys are following him.
        He followed his mother into the teaching profession.

          hunt v. 追捕,搜捕

        〔辨析〕指搜捕罪犯或敌人,常后接介词 for。

        The police are hunting a secret agent.
        Who are they hunting for?

          tail v. 〈非正式〉跟踪,尾随


        The spies have been tailing the underground worker.
        He trusted her so little that he had her tailed.


        tail away

        1. (声音)逐渐变弱,逐渐消失  

        tail off

        1. (声音)逐渐变弱,逐渐消失  2. 逐渐减少;越来越不重要;逐渐消失  


        tail away/off

        1. 变得越来越小(或弱);逐渐消失
          to become smaller or weaker

          tail back

          1. 排成长队
            to form a tailback



              on sb's tail

            • (尤指开车)盯梢,尾随
              following behind sb very closely, especially in a car
              1. the tail (is) wagging the dog

              2. (用以描述次要部分影响和支配主要部分)主次颠倒,喧宾夺主
                used to describe a situation in which the most important aspect is being influenced and controlled by sb/sth that is not as important
                1. turn tail

                2. (危急时刻)转身逃跑,逃逸,临阵脱逃
                  to run away from a fight or dangerous situation
                  1. with your tail between your legs

                  2. 无地自容;垂头丧气;灰溜溜
                    feeling ashamed or unhappy because you have been defeated or punished
                    1. chase your (own) tail

                    2. 瞎忙活;徒劳无功
                      to be very busy but in fact achieve very little
                      1. can't make head nor tail of sth

                      2. 不理解某事;不明白某事
                        to be unable to understand sth
                        1. I couldn't make head nor tail of what he was saying.
                      3. nose to tail

                      4. (汽车等)首尾相连(缓缓行进)
                        if cars, etc. are nose to tail , they are moving slowly in a long line with little space between them
                        1. a sting in the tail

                        2. 煞风景的结局
                          an unpleasant feature that comes at the end of a story, an event, etc. and spoils it


                            top and tail sth

                          • 去掉(水果、蔬菜)的两端;砍掉…的两头
                            to cut the top and bottom parts off fruit and vegetables to prepare them to be cooked or eaten



                            1. the posterior part of the body of a vertebrate especially when elongated and extending beyond the trunk or main part of the body

                              1. the rear part of a ship

                                  Synonym:    sternafter partquarterpoop

                                1. the rear part of an aircraft

                                    Synonym:    tail assemblyempennage

                                  1. (usually plural) the reverse side of a coin that does not bear the representation of a person's head

                                    1. the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on
                                      1. he deserves a good kick in the butt
                                      2. are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?

                                      Synonym:    buttocksnatesarsebuttbacksidebumbunscanfundamenthindquartershind endkeisterposteriorpratrearrear endrumpsternseattail endtooshietushbottombehindderrierefannyass

                                    2. a spy employed to follow someone and report their movements

                                        Synonym:    shadowshadower

                                      1. any projection that resembles the tail of an animal

                                          Synonym:    tail end

                                        1. the time of the last part of something
                                          1. the fag end of this crisis-ridden century
                                          2. the tail of the storm

                                          Synonym:    fag endtail end


                                        1. remove the stalk of fruits or berries

                                          1. remove or shorten the tail of an animal

                                              Synonym:    dockbob

                                            1. go after with the intent to catch
                                              1. The policeman chased the mugger down the alley
                                              2. the dog chased the rabbit

                                              Synonym:    chasechase aftertrailtaggive chasedoggo aftertrack