They are anxious to show their abhorrence of racism. 他们急切地想要表明自己对种族主义的憎恨。
His abhorrence of racism led him to write The Algiers Motel Incident 对种族主义的憎恨促使他写了《阿尔及尔汽车旅馆事件》一书。
He has an abhorrence of sin [ evil]. 他嫉恶如仇。
He has a great abhorrence of medicine. 他对药物深恶痛绝。
His fairness and abhorrence of evil won him the confidence and support of the masses. 他的公正和疾恶如仇赢得了群众的信任和拥护。
Most people have an abhorrence of snake. 大部分人都厌恶蛇。
But disguise of every sort is my abhorrence. 可惜无论是什么样的装假,我都痛恨。
I cannot think of it without abhorrence. 我想起这件事来,就免不了痛恨自己。
As her successor in that house, she regarded her with jealous abhorrence. 一想到卢卡斯小姐将来有一天会接替她做这幢屋子里的主妇,她就益发嫉妒和厌恶。
She could not determine how her mother would take it; sometimes doubting whether all his wealth and grandeur would be enough to overcome her abhorrence of the man. 母亲实在太厌恶他了,因此伊丽莎白有时候竟会认为,即使以他财产地位,也挽回不了母亲的心,可是,母亲对这门婚姻无论是坚决反对也好,欣喜若狂也好,她的出言吐语反正都是不得体。
At that time, my students are in college campuses do not make good reading of abhorrence. 当时,我对同学们身在大学校园却不好好读书的行为深恶痛绝。
Others, recalling Germany's eugenic practices, have an equally strong abhorrence of genetic-based reproductive decisions. 其它人则会联想到德国人当年实施的优生政策,从而对这一作法怀有同样强烈的厌恶。
America hoped that the Nuremberg trials would demonstrate the abhorrence in which the world held the Nazi system, and bring home to the German people america's determination to extirpate that system forever. 纽伦堡审判时,美国人它能展示全世界对纳粹制度的憎恶,并向德国人传递一个信息:美国决心永远根除纳粹制度。
The Scots were held in abhorrence all over europe. 苏格兰人在整个欧洲被人厌恶。
His abhorrence for the vague and the general is extreme. 他非常厌恶模糊与概括。
Satan had hoped that God's abhorrence of evil would bring an eternal separation between heaven and earth. 撒但本来希望∶由于上帝对罪恶的憎恶,天与地将永远分离。
Julia and her friends had a fascinated abhorrence of what they called 'Pont Street'. 朱莉娅和她的朋友们非常憎恨所谓的庞特街。
Winsett himself had a savage abhorrence of social observances. 温塞特自己对社会上的清规戒律深恶痛绝。
He has an aBhorrence of monkeys. 他非常厌恶猴子。
God has an abhorrence of a proud and haughty spirit. 上帝已经厌弃了自豪和傲慢的精神。
Abhorrence at the fanatical behaviour and corrupt nature of some religious organisations is also to blame. 而对于一些宗教组织的狂热行径以及腐朽本质的憎恨也难辞其咎。
The story of how to reconcile our unslakeable thirst for oil with our collective abhorrence of risk would be a complex and subtle tale a late-career challenge for MS Gordimer, perhaps. 如何协调我们对石油无法满足的欲望,与我们对风险的集体厌恶,将是一个复杂而又微妙的故事对于处于职业后期的戈迪默而言,这或许是一个挑战。
Although our motherland troubled, but no one abhorrence own mother? 虽然我们的祖国多灾多难,但是谁又厌弃自己的母亲?
These new measures are regarded with suspicion and abhorrence by the majority of teachers. 对这些新措施,大部分教师都感到怀疑和厌恶。
It is an abhorrence to his feeling. 这是他深恶痛绝的事。
Here the women of modern facilities and equipment, as well as social trends disgusted, or even abhorrence. 这里的妇女对现代化设施、器械以及社会风尚都很反感,甚至表示憎恶。
The president expressed his abhorrence at the murder. 总统表达他对这件谋杀案的痛恨。
He even joined the Knicks in a season, the pioneer in the senior experts of their abhorrence, rather disgusted. 甚至在他加盟尼克斯一个赛季后,开拓者的资深专家仍然对其深恶痛绝,相当厌恶。
We not only do not believe that any are foreordained to evil by the power of God, but even state with utter abhorrence that if there are those who want to believe so evil a thing, they are anathema. 我们不仅不认为有任何的邪恶力量来冤孽上帝就连国家彻底厌弃,如果有那些愿意相信这样一个邪恶的事,他们是诅咒。