Each side began to demonize the other. 双方都开始把对方妖魔化。
Because the exhibit was believed by child obesity experts to flaunt negative stereotypes about being overweight, demonize fat kids and promote bullying and to use shame as the primary motivational tool to teach overweight kids that they need to change their ways to improve their health. 此外,它主要利用人们了的羞耻心,作为鞭策胖子改善自身健康状况的手段。
Take for example Iran, I don't see why Western nations should demonize Iran and see it as a threat when it is them whom have treated Iranians poorly. 拿伊朗打比方,我就是看不明白西方国家要视为伊朗为恶魔,把它当作威胁,相反正是这些所谓的民族人士,热爱和平的人士非常不好的正对待着伊朗人民。
The Internet is simply a means of communication, like the telephone, but that has not prevented attempts to demonize it& the latest being the ludicrous claim that the Internet promotes terrorism. 和电话一样,因特网也只是人们的一种交流方式。但是总是有一些人试图把它妖魔化&最近就流传着一个可笑的主张,它认为因特网为恐怖主义活动提供了便利。
If he didn't have people like me to demonize, where would he be? 如果他不把我这样的人妖魔化,他能怎么样呢?
Those who patronize other people, demonize those they disagree with, or disregard foreign cultures as primitive have come to seem foolish. 那些剥削他人,妖魔化持有异见的人,把外国文化看成是原始文化的人是愚蠢的。
However, I am opposed to using the Olympics to demonize China and its people and disruptive, confrontational, and violent tactics. 但我反对利用奥运会来丑化中国及其人民,甚至采用破坏性的,对抗性的暴力手段。
Many who had romantic views about the West are very disappointed at the media's attempt to demonize China. 很多对西方持有浪漫看法的年青人,对西方媒体妖魔化中国的企图十分失望,而妖魔化往往会引发相应的反作用。
However, Conrad never attempts to idealize or demonize either one of the twins. 然而,在小说中,康拉德从未试图神圣化或妖魔化这对孪生兄弟中的任何一个。
The first specific text analysis, describes a male writer to shape the spinster image held by the two attitudes: to demonize and imaginary. 第一章通过具体的文本分析,叙述男性作家塑造老处女形象所持的两种态度:丑化和虚化。
With the research results show that the Japanese media have to a lot of negative news reports on China, tried to "demonize". 有研究结果表明:日本媒体曾对中国进行了大量的负面新闻报道,试图将其妖魔化。